Friday, March 1, 2013

Hello March!

 February wrapped up like a breeze. I can't believe that today is the first day of March. Somehow it sure felt like I was on vacation for a month. If I am going to be on my reserved month next time it would be really nice to have some concrete schedule to fall back into when getting on a flight seems impossible, like what I did now.  It was indeed a whole month of fun and discovering myself again with another person. It made the whole waiting game so much easier.

Anyway, this new month gives me so much hope. My dear scheduler was able to roster me to my favorite destinations. This time I am going to work indeed. It's high time that I get to rest first before they put me on ultra long range flights again.

I realized that I am spending too much time on Instagram. It's a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. It's so much easier now to find inspiration whether it's fitness, fashion or getting into a new lifestyle. On the other hand I noticed that I tend to spend less time in doing things that are more important. No wonder  I had neglected to make some important phone calls to some people and why I suddenly lost the interest to win a friend whenever I can. I feel quite lost.

For two consecutive days now I am completely getting obsessed to work-out like an athlete. I want to build some muscles and chisel my abs once again. I can't identify what kind of pressure I am suddenly getting myself in but one thing is sure :  I just want to feel good about myself. When a cloud of self-doubt starts building up my horizon I know it's time to get my ass going. I feel this surge wave of energy to keep on improving and achieve more to the greatest of my ability. It's always been like that. My life is a stairwell . Up and Up you go.

I don't know if it's the age thing that I ended up downloading Sex and the City. I am on the verge of my late-twenties and tons of questions starts popping one by one. The pressure to settle-down and be on top of my career is like a sharp broken glass cutting deep in my veins. Sometimes I find myself staring into space wondering where I am headed. Who is my Prince and where is he? When's my next promotion? and Why all of my single friends have gotten married or got engaged  or pregnant? I can't relate to the baby talks. And I don't get invited to their secret meet-up. Oh well, what a single-happy-girl can do? My name hasn't been called yet.

As I ponder deep, I am happy. I can't complain more from this solid stability I have as a single girl. I own my time and besides I don't feel like I am running out of reasons to smile. I have an acceptable amount of admirers at bay and I am dating a special someone who takes my breath away. Career-wise, I know I am doing my best and will do more to get there. People will never stop asking questions- their why and when's are not my sole responsibility. Others will never stop expecting that you're life will turn out the way they hoped and I will just smile whenever it happens. Maybe I am bound to some exciting but  different destination. Only God knows what's ahead and I know He's my faithful sailor and my loving Savior. He will deliver me to my best path.

All I have to do is live my life. To learn to love when it's been given and to learn to let go when it's time.

 I know one day I will have my " and they lived happily ever after",thing  I just have to have more faith to keep me going.

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