Wednesday, July 20, 2011

You just know when you had too much...

- can't be so sure of own room number
- brought someone Else's purse instead of own
-started mumbling in Russian, French and Arabic
- forgot to close the door, turn off the lights and the never-ending play list on the laptop
-when you wake up with a very bad hangover and yet guests still call you by name ( because you're smiling too much again trying to camouflage the banging inside your head)
-when you cannot remember anything from the previous night, with whom and to whom you owe a ride, an apology, an explanation or a kiss
-when you started arguing about lady gaga and justin bieber
-when you started seeing your Gay friend so handsome-ly attractive
-when you slept in the shower and
-when you just told yourself you will never drink again if you know you have work the next day

---- sorry I can only take so much----

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