Saturday, April 26, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
16-hour punishment and the worst Immigration Queue and my Big Surprise
The week passed like a tornado.
If I had a choice doing LA flight--- Onceis more than enough.
I had done ultra long haul flights before but this one is morbidly difficult.
I passed out in the bus with my saliva falling from all the drooling. I almost fell from my seat. I just removed my makeup, changed into my pajamas and went to bed. That Bad. So exhausting!
I love Los Angeles don't get me wrong.
I'm passionately in-love with the concept of traveling and discovering but this one is one serious business to take.
Thank God that I managed to join the group and do the tour of LA.
I loved every single moment of it. Although I love shopping in New York, shopping here is different.
I'm flying back to LA tomorrow.
I spent the day in front of my computer and planning to sleep early tonight. I need my energy tomorrow.
I might die doing this flight.
Wish me luck.
Dear God... Help me on this one again...
and P.S.
I got ENGAGED two days ago!!!!!
Life is sweet!
If I had a choice doing LA flight--- Onceis more than enough.
I had done ultra long haul flights before but this one is morbidly difficult.
I passed out in the bus with my saliva falling from all the drooling. I almost fell from my seat. I just removed my makeup, changed into my pajamas and went to bed. That Bad. So exhausting!
I love Los Angeles don't get me wrong.
I'm passionately in-love with the concept of traveling and discovering but this one is one serious business to take.
Thank God that I managed to join the group and do the tour of LA.
I loved every single moment of it. Although I love shopping in New York, shopping here is different.
I'm flying back to LA tomorrow.
I spent the day in front of my computer and planning to sleep early tonight. I need my energy tomorrow.
I might die doing this flight.
Wish me luck.
Dear God... Help me on this one again...
and P.S.
I got ENGAGED two days ago!!!!!
Life is sweet!
Monday, April 14, 2014
I woke up at the wrong side of the bed today. I feel nauseous, lazy and demotivated. I don't like the feeling of slacking too much. Thank God vacation's over. I am pretty sure that I am the only person in this entire universe who is complaining for having too many leave days. I guess I don't like vacation if I get to spend a third of it just being alone with myself. I would prefer company. Unfortunately not all of my friends and loved-ones are just as lucky as me. Oh well.
Anyway, with this throbbing headache I decided to find motivation. I don't like being sad. So I spent countless hours re-watching HIYM from Season 1-9. Then I encountered Matthew Hussey's videos in YouTube. I immediately got hooked.
But today, this is what I really need.
I have always been driven to make things happen. But there are days when I feel hopeless and insecure. But just remember, you have the power to control.
Anyway, with this throbbing headache I decided to find motivation. I don't like being sad. So I spent countless hours re-watching HIYM from Season 1-9. Then I encountered Matthew Hussey's videos in YouTube. I immediately got hooked.
But today, this is what I really need.
I have always been driven to make things happen. But there are days when I feel hopeless and insecure. But just remember, you have the power to control.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Head in the Clouds
Time flies so incredibly fast. My vacation's almost over. And yeah, I love every minute of having the freedom to do anything I want. Ultra long haul flights will come punish me soon. I am actually preparing myself already- mentally and physically. I am going to LA next week. Sixteen hours and 3 hour rest! Goodluck to me!
'Can't believe next week is Holy week. It's only by calling my dad that I actually found out. It really is very different here in Dubai. Friday is Saturday but Friday as well is Sunday. And their Saturday is the Sunday. It's all confusing. And I still don't get used to it. I know the date but never sure of the day of the week each time someone asks me.
I decided to give up Facebook starting today until Easter. I've been spending so much time in the internet that I hardly accomplish any of my reading assignments or my Russian studies. Oh no. And I burn so much cash on make up and clothes that I couldn't even figure how to arrange them neatly. And given the fact that I am seriously running out of closet space.

We spent his birthday wonderfully although a long-week celebration would have been better. He's been working nonstop while I was just busy googling and instagram-ing. Oh God please hear our prayers.
I have some incredible business ideas in mind. But like I said, I am so distracted lately. I need to study more. I'm slacking too much already.
As much as I love travelling, I can't wait to embark onto something more meaningful. I've seen the world and all. But I would prefer discovering new adventures hand-in-hand with someone I love. Oh God show me the way. I am in desperate need of a new path...
'Can't believe next week is Holy week. It's only by calling my dad that I actually found out. It really is very different here in Dubai. Friday is Saturday but Friday as well is Sunday. And their Saturday is the Sunday. It's all confusing. And I still don't get used to it. I know the date but never sure of the day of the week each time someone asks me.
I decided to give up Facebook starting today until Easter. I've been spending so much time in the internet that I hardly accomplish any of my reading assignments or my Russian studies. Oh no. And I burn so much cash on make up and clothes that I couldn't even figure how to arrange them neatly. And given the fact that I am seriously running out of closet space.

We spent his birthday wonderfully although a long-week celebration would have been better. He's been working nonstop while I was just busy googling and instagram-ing. Oh God please hear our prayers.
I have some incredible business ideas in mind. But like I said, I am so distracted lately. I need to study more. I'm slacking too much already.
As much as I love travelling, I can't wait to embark onto something more meaningful. I've seen the world and all. But I would prefer discovering new adventures hand-in-hand with someone I love. Oh God show me the way. I am in desperate need of a new path...
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Two-week Off
So basically I'm just bumming around Dubai for a good 14 days! Yey! My first weekend I got to spend it with my family. As much as I don't want to come, I ended up tugging along with my niece to see the Miracle Garden one more time. These shots I took using my phone. I had little since the first time I visited Miracle Garden with my Dad last January I had tons of photographs taken. Before they close for summer ( in other words- before the entire garden wither and die due to extreme temperature) this is how it looks...
The past few days were really crazy. It was sunny and hot then rain came pouring down in the evening and hail too. Little ice cubes falling from the sky with thunder rolls and lightning. Really scary. Anyhow, coming here we were surprised to find the cold wind brushing our skin while the sun was still out. We were literally chilling while we were roaming around. Some parts of the garden were drying out already. I guess the perfect time to see them in full bloom is December-February. We decided to eat at Pei Wei a P. F. Chang's fast food counterpart since we were famished. Burj Khalifa was beautiful as always. Oh summer...
The past few days were really crazy. It was sunny and hot then rain came pouring down in the evening and hail too. Little ice cubes falling from the sky with thunder rolls and lightning. Really scary. Anyhow, coming here we were surprised to find the cold wind brushing our skin while the sun was still out. We were literally chilling while we were roaming around. Some parts of the garden were drying out already. I guess the perfect time to see them in full bloom is December-February. We decided to eat at Pei Wei a P. F. Chang's fast food counterpart since we were famished. Burj Khalifa was beautiful as always. Oh summer...
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
I have another real post written but unfortunately my clumsy fingers accidentally hit 'disappear' instead of publish. Grrrrrrrr! Seriously I was this close to biting my fingers to punish them!
Anyway, I am officially on vacation! Yey! We have no plans to leave Dubai perhaps just travel to a nearby Emirate and explore the lovely weather 'til it lasts. I'm so excited to get a tan and hit the beach and the water parks! My surgery was a blessing in disguise (oh lala) I lost my bloat and 2kgs! I'm Bikini-ready all the way! But somehow I am following a very strict health regimen in order maintain the status of my female system. Since I hit the big 3-0 last January I started having baby fevers. Oh man! Aren't they the cutest little fatties!? Hehehe.
I am ready. I want them. And as early as now I decided to prepare my body for it. I know you might think it sounds crazy but after talking to my happily-married friends it's better to start early considering our 'girls' down there are not getting younger ( like us) .
Down below are some facts I borrowed from All women Stalk. I was dumbfounded reading them.
Anyway, I am officially on vacation! Yey! We have no plans to leave Dubai perhaps just travel to a nearby Emirate and explore the lovely weather 'til it lasts. I'm so excited to get a tan and hit the beach and the water parks! My surgery was a blessing in disguise (oh lala) I lost my bloat and 2kgs! I'm Bikini-ready all the way! But somehow I am following a very strict health regimen in order maintain the status of my female system. Since I hit the big 3-0 last January I started having baby fevers. Oh man! Aren't they the cutest little fatties!? Hehehe.
I am ready. I want them. And as early as now I decided to prepare my body for it. I know you might think it sounds crazy but after talking to my happily-married friends it's better to start early considering our 'girls' down there are not getting younger ( like us) .
Down below are some facts I borrowed from All women Stalk. I was dumbfounded reading them.
9 Important Facts About Fertility
If you’re trying to conceive or thinking about trying for a family soon, you probably want to know all of the facts about fertility that you possibly can. There’s a lot of conflicting information out there, so we’ll keep it simple (no complex advice, promise!), with some facts about fertility that could help you conceive as well as a few extra fertility-related facts that are just fascinating!
1. Waiting until You Ovulate Could Be Too Late!
If you’ve been working away at your planning charts, making sure you ‘do the deed’ when you ovulate, then you’re missing a trick. Your best chance of conceiving is actually to make love in the days leading up to ovulation, as well as during ovulation, as sperm can live inside the body for several days. And the more of them there are, the better your chances. This is definitely one of the most useful facts about fertility.
2. You Chance of Conceiving Each Month Is Just 15%
If you’ve been trying for a few months with no success, don’t get too down. Only around 15% of women trying for a baby will conceive in a given month so the fact it’s taking a while doesn’t mean that you can’t have children.
3. Full Fat Dairy Is Good for You
Many women choose low fat dairy options to help keep their weight under control, but if you’re trying to conceive, full-fat dairy will help you along the way by boosting your hormone levels.
4. Get Your Man in Loose Underwear
If your man likes to wear tight briefs or boxers, it could be hampering his sperm production. Tight underwear is more likely to increase the temperature down there, and just a one-degree increase will decrease sperm production.
5. Dental Hygiene Is Vital
This is perhaps one of the more unexpected facts about fertility, but your gums can be a pathway for bacteria to get straight into your bloodstream. This is associated with low sperm count, miscarriage, premature delivery and low birth weight, so look after those pearly whites.
6. Ovulating Makes You Extra Sexy
You shouldn’t have to worry overly about tracking your dates, because you’re at your most attractive when you’re ovulating. He won’t be able to resist you!
7. Stress Will Hamper Your Chances
Stress is bad for your mind and body, so it’s unsurprising that it can decrease your fertility. Studies have shown that women who participate in mind and body programmes have more success in conceiving, so get that yoga mat out.
8. Watching Porn Makes His Sperm More Powerful
Whatever your views on it are, studies have suggested that this is true. This is a fertility fact that no doubt many men would be quite interested to know!
9. Your Sense of Smell Is Stronger When You’re Ovulating
Have you ever noticed your sense of smell being stronger at some times of the month than others? Well it turns out that a woman’s sense of smell skyrockets when she’s ovulating. This is useful fertility fact to know, because it could help to tell you you’re ovulating, especially if your cycle is irregular.
Hopefully some of these facts about fertility will prove helpful, but do remember to try not to make trying for a baby a chore. It should be fun and should strengthen your relationship, but it won’t if you’re too bogged down counting dates and obsessing over doing the right things, so try to get the balance right. Are you trying for a baby right now?
via allwomenstalk
Sent from my iPad
1. Waiting until You Ovulate Could Be Too Late!
If you’ve been working away at your planning charts, making sure you ‘do the deed’ when you ovulate, then you’re missing a trick. Your best chance of conceiving is actually to make love in the days leading up to ovulation, as well as during ovulation, as sperm can live inside the body for several days. And the more of them there are, the better your chances. This is definitely one of the most useful facts about fertility.
2. You Chance of Conceiving Each Month Is Just 15%
If you’ve been trying for a few months with no success, don’t get too down. Only around 15% of women trying for a baby will conceive in a given month so the fact it’s taking a while doesn’t mean that you can’t have children.
3. Full Fat Dairy Is Good for You
Many women choose low fat dairy options to help keep their weight under control, but if you’re trying to conceive, full-fat dairy will help you along the way by boosting your hormone levels.
4. Get Your Man in Loose Underwear
If your man likes to wear tight briefs or boxers, it could be hampering his sperm production. Tight underwear is more likely to increase the temperature down there, and just a one-degree increase will decrease sperm production.
5. Dental Hygiene Is Vital
This is perhaps one of the more unexpected facts about fertility, but your gums can be a pathway for bacteria to get straight into your bloodstream. This is associated with low sperm count, miscarriage, premature delivery and low birth weight, so look after those pearly whites.
6. Ovulating Makes You Extra Sexy
You shouldn’t have to worry overly about tracking your dates, because you’re at your most attractive when you’re ovulating. He won’t be able to resist you!
7. Stress Will Hamper Your Chances
Stress is bad for your mind and body, so it’s unsurprising that it can decrease your fertility. Studies have shown that women who participate in mind and body programmes have more success in conceiving, so get that yoga mat out.
8. Watching Porn Makes His Sperm More Powerful
Whatever your views on it are, studies have suggested that this is true. This is a fertility fact that no doubt many men would be quite interested to know!
9. Your Sense of Smell Is Stronger When You’re Ovulating
Have you ever noticed your sense of smell being stronger at some times of the month than others? Well it turns out that a woman’s sense of smell skyrockets when she’s ovulating. This is useful fertility fact to know, because it could help to tell you you’re ovulating, especially if your cycle is irregular.
Hopefully some of these facts about fertility will prove helpful, but do remember to try not to make trying for a baby a chore. It should be fun and should strengthen your relationship, but it won’t if you’re too bogged down counting dates and obsessing over doing the right things, so try to get the balance right. Are you trying for a baby right now?
via allwomenstalk
Sent from my iPad
Thanks to my clumsy fingers...
I have written a post... Then suddenly it's gone... Where'd it go? :-(
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