Monday, April 14, 2014


  I woke up at the wrong side of the bed today. I feel nauseous, lazy and demotivated. I don't like the feeling of slacking too much. Thank God vacation's over. I am pretty sure that I am the only person in this entire universe who is complaining for having too many leave days. I guess I don't like vacation if I get to spend a third of it just being alone with myself. I would prefer company. Unfortunately not all of my friends and loved-ones are just as lucky as me. Oh well.

Anyway, with this throbbing headache I decided to find motivation. I don't like being sad. So I spent countless hours re-watching HIYM from Season 1-9. Then I encountered Matthew Hussey's videos in YouTube. I immediately got hooked.

But today, this is what I really need.

I have always been driven to make things happen. But there are days when I feel hopeless and insecure. But just remember, you have the power to control.

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