Wednesday, April 23, 2014

16-hour punishment and the worst Immigration Queue and my Big Surprise

The week passed like a tornado.
If I had a choice doing LA flight--- Onceis more than enough. 
I had done ultra long haul flights before but this one is morbidly difficult.
I passed out in the bus with my saliva falling from all the drooling. I almost fell from my seat. I just removed my makeup, changed into my pajamas and went to bed. That Bad. So exhausting!

I love Los Angeles don't get me wrong.
I'm passionately in-love with the concept of traveling and discovering but this one is one serious business to take.
Thank God that I managed to join the group and do the tour of LA.
I loved every single moment of it. Although I love shopping in New York, shopping here is different.

I'm flying back to LA tomorrow.
I spent the day in front of my computer and planning to sleep early tonight. I need my energy tomorrow.
I might die doing this flight.
Wish me luck.
Dear God... Help me on this one again...

and P.S.
I got ENGAGED two days ago!!!!!
Life is sweet!

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