Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I have another real post written but unfortunately my clumsy fingers accidentally hit 'disappear' instead of publish. Grrrrrrrr! Seriously I was this close to biting my fingers to punish them!

Anyway, I am officially on vacation! Yey! We have no plans to leave Dubai perhaps just travel to a nearby Emirate and explore the lovely weather 'til it lasts. I'm so excited to get a tan and hit the beach and the water parks! My surgery was a blessing in disguise (oh lala) I lost my bloat and 2kgs! I'm Bikini-ready all the way! But somehow I am following a very strict health regimen in order maintain the status of my female system. Since I hit the big 3-0 last January I started having baby fevers. Oh man! Aren't they the cutest little fatties!? Hehehe.

I am ready. I want them. And as early as now I decided to prepare my body for it. I know you might think it sounds crazy but after talking to my happily-married friends it's better to start early considering our 'girls' down there are not getting younger ( like us) .

Down below are some facts I borrowed from All women Stalk. I was dumbfounded reading them.


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