Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Like Winning the Lottery
The only thing I know is that my suitcase is indeed heavier than me. I know, I better get used to having them wherever I go : the Delsey cabin bag and the Samsonite suitcase. I packed a few stuff just in case I will fly to anywhere tonight. Airport stand by gives you more chances but is more tedious than staying at home. Out of twenty of us waiting at the lounge, more than half of us did get on a flight. Pursers, SFS, FG1s and Grade2s. Newbies like me got there just to rehearse I suppose. Being inside a huge building where reading signs is a must to avoid looking stupid, I sure found my way to the right place just in time. You have no idea how many times I knocked myself over with the heaviness of the things I carry while trying to look immaculate in my uniform. With a gazillion of ways to kill boredom with the four-hour waiting I decided to divide myself in two. Half of me was actually watching BBC news and the rest was reading Joel Osteen's book. There were times though that felt like I fell asleep. Only when they started calling out names that I did manage to pay attention to the real world.
From the look in their faces I couldn't hardly tell if they were thrilled to be called or they wished to just stay. I think somehow flying a lot gives people a neutral facial expression. They certainly managed to perfect the Art of camouflaging any unwanted facial movement just to avoid being questioned later on. I was comfortable seated in front with my book as my body was positioned facing the TV while there were four other crews sharing the same corner. And guess what all of them were called out, except me.
" Ms. Blah blah blah... staff Number blah blah blah...."
and so Ms. Blah with Staff Number Blah Blah will come forward to know which part of the world they are going to send her in.
I saw that Blah liked it. She wanted to go.
then after another forty-five minutes...
" Mr. Mohammed Blah blah... staff number Blah blah....
Same thing, he rejoiced from his seat and went immediately forward and hurriedly went to the Briefing desk.
While there were some who made some obvious hesitation to leave. Like the lady after being called, stayed at the loo like she just wanted to sleep there. She flew a lot perhaps during the week. Maybe she just wanted to have the entire day only in one place. But what to do... Call of duty.
I was enjoying reading Joel Osteen with his amazing advice on Life and God. I put the book down several months ago in exchange for Twilight. Now I know why I was put on-call for the entire month. I have so many things that I need to finish.
Being called, having your turn is like winning the lottery. It could be based purely on luck, chance and good vibes. I know if I did hear my name today I will certainly feel like I won America's Next Top Model. That Big deal. Earning my wings is like having them finally being attached to your body but for some reason they remove it to undergo Service maintenance and that tends to get the best of me. But looking at the brighter side, I got to know more about other people in the building. The tall blonde guy who showed me the way to CCSC, the guy from CCSC, the caring driver from Route 10, and the people from I.T.
Although I missed flying to London tonight, it was not so bad after all.
I realized a lot of things that made me appreciate my life even more: the opportunities life is presenting me every time, the lessons, the funny moments and things I still discover about myself.
From the look in their faces I couldn't hardly tell if they were thrilled to be called or they wished to just stay. I think somehow flying a lot gives people a neutral facial expression. They certainly managed to perfect the Art of camouflaging any unwanted facial movement just to avoid being questioned later on. I was comfortable seated in front with my book as my body was positioned facing the TV while there were four other crews sharing the same corner. And guess what all of them were called out, except me.
" Ms. Blah blah blah... staff Number blah blah blah...."
and so Ms. Blah with Staff Number Blah Blah will come forward to know which part of the world they are going to send her in.
I saw that Blah liked it. She wanted to go.
then after another forty-five minutes...
" Mr. Mohammed Blah blah... staff number Blah blah....
Same thing, he rejoiced from his seat and went immediately forward and hurriedly went to the Briefing desk.
While there were some who made some obvious hesitation to leave. Like the lady after being called, stayed at the loo like she just wanted to sleep there. She flew a lot perhaps during the week. Maybe she just wanted to have the entire day only in one place. But what to do... Call of duty.
I was enjoying reading Joel Osteen with his amazing advice on Life and God. I put the book down several months ago in exchange for Twilight. Now I know why I was put on-call for the entire month. I have so many things that I need to finish.
Being called, having your turn is like winning the lottery. It could be based purely on luck, chance and good vibes. I know if I did hear my name today I will certainly feel like I won America's Next Top Model. That Big deal. Earning my wings is like having them finally being attached to your body but for some reason they remove it to undergo Service maintenance and that tends to get the best of me. But looking at the brighter side, I got to know more about other people in the building. The tall blonde guy who showed me the way to CCSC, the guy from CCSC, the caring driver from Route 10, and the people from I.T.
Although I missed flying to London tonight, it was not so bad after all.
I realized a lot of things that made me appreciate my life even more: the opportunities life is presenting me every time, the lessons, the funny moments and things I still discover about myself.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
My Life On Standby...
So this is it... I will be on-call for the next 30 days...
Not so bad if I will be dedicated to have a full-time routine, otherwise I will go insane.
Being a workaholic like me is not so easy so as early as now, with a little help of my friends and modern technology I could really survive this!
1. Refresh my French. Since it's one of my top priority to do this year, might as well just be fluent with it by end of July.
2. Oil Painting. - My B told me I should paint more. I guess it's another answered prayer to devote more time to ART. Sketching is easy and I always take the easy route nowadays which is not good. Time to get a little bit more serious.
3. One to One- I have small groups with my church which I hardly meet since I changed job. Perhaps this is God's telling me I should go make disciples for real. I am starving anyway for my spiritual growth. I am happy now and I want to continue being happy serving Him.
4. Writing. - I always write in a few chapters and never finish what I started. I have a few stories running inside my head for quite awhile now, better to put them down for real. I always wanted to write, then this is the time I need.
5. Being Simple.- I tend to act like a brat whenever I don't get what I want when I want it. I tend to label stuff and have the tendency to forget that less is always more. So I will try to go back to basics. God is humbling me in His own majestic ways. Material things don't last, experiences do.
6.Swim more.- At least at night when the water and the weather is better. I need to get enough exercise. Be fit and fab. I will need it soon.
7. Movie Marathon- I never watch movies. I prefer reading. Well, got plenty of time to catch up. Bring the popcorn! and have my tissue ready! I will not sleep!
8. Read! Read! Read! --- I have a list already of books to finish....I need to have more bookshelves!
9. Live One day at a time...-- Breathe. I tend to work a lot and push myself to the limits. Learn to relax. Take longer hot baths. Make out a lot. Smile all the time. Have fun. Trust God. Surrender.
10. Take Lots and lots of Pictures--- anything that fascinates me. take the camera and make a simple picture pretty-amazing.
While some of my colleagues are already enjoying their first flight to Paris, to Sydney, to Tokyo and back... well.... Not so bad for me to improve myself and appreciate what I have been given while waiting for my TURN...
have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
10 things I miss most of my country!!!!
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the never-ending rain in the afternoon... |
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walking around Makati...for shopping, for meeting feel the vibe! |
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the traffic, the chaos, the heat... |
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beautiful sunset... |
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the best mangoes! |
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food I cannot live without! |
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hahaha....crispy Pork! |
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sinfully-good street food! |
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captivated by the water... |
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churches... |
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blue water and ethnic houses... |
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Some things never change...
At last, I finished my reading after a truckload of attempts to concentrate. I woke up early even when I slept late the previous night. I have this tendency to overwork when I started feeling better after a week of being ill. Of course, I almost finish a whole ice cream pint from all the "work" I did today to compensate from studying too much on a weekend. Sure, it did feels like I am back to my old school a few years back when I only eat and breathe books and church. Yeah, I was such a nerd wherein most of my classmates hated me for not joining them in cutting classes while my professors be-friend me like I am their own child or something. It's freaky in a way. But that was me before, a few years ago 'til I "evolve" to become human with feelings.
Between my books and a few constant drop of chat messages from the people who are important to me, I can't help but recall how things used to be simple and complicated way back then.
Chatting with Dad nowadays gets even more exciting. He's the only one I've got. All my brothers have their own separate lives. And I am here to take care of my old man whom I love. However, talking to him feels like I am talking to my own son in his teenage years. Come on. I usually had talks with my girlfriends whenever I am dropping the ball in breaking a guy's heart but hearing my Dad's plight towards rejection is definitely new for me. He started inquiring me about stuff that I never thought would run in a guy's mind just to please one person he likes. You know, it's different with women at this point in time. We have the urge to express how we feel without reservation as long as we feel that there's nothing wrong with it. Of course, I still have butterflies in my stomach whenever I get caught up in the middle with someone I really liked. I had my fair share of sweaty palms and tongue twisters whenever I get a glimpse of that special person who makes my heart skip a beat. And my Dad saying these symptoms to me, is like " this is not happening..." And yet, of course I will help him and will understand him for I wanted nothing but his happiness. It's just so foreign. Knowing who it is made it even more intriguing."Seriously, Dad, it's her. Not bad. It's just that I know her very well. And mom too". Sometimes it's really surprising how life gives you roles you never thought will just land at the palm of your hand. I feel more like an adult now. Looking after my little children: my Dad for one. It's something fresh to consider feeling I am the parent now.
Well, talking about people I used to spend most of the time in the past it's exciting how much effort they do just to drop me a line or two. How much they are looking forward to seeing me. Some people I am not even close to become all of a sudden seems like a long-lost best friend. Oh, Maybe I really did something right in my life if people started looking at me differently. At the same time, it still feels the old "me" after all these years. After how many times I changed my hair color and how many times I chopped my hair off. I am still the nerdy girl who dreams big and wants to be everything all at the same time. Only, I am lighter and whiter. Thanks to Dubai water and weather. Classmates from grade school to University, past job experiences, neighbors and my friend's neighbors and maybe even my neighbor's dog if it has Facebook he will click "like " in my Facebook page. I am very much flattered. I am very much thrilled. God has reasons why He is showing these things to me. I just fill in another role. People are looking up to me in away that I could not afford to disappoint them. I just remember someone sent me a message that I am her role model. That's fabulous. Don't just get overboard though. I have fallen before from like 10 flight of stairs from falling crazily-in love,that department that I am not so proud about.
Well at least, from the many times I fell I sure did find the courage to get up.
I will always be the nerdy goody-good girl. Love me or hate me. It doesn't matter. You will like me in the end.
My alarm is telling me I have ten minutes to finish this post, so let me wrap this up quickly.
I have a week to finish June, and only six more months 'til I get to the full circle. A lot of surprising adventure's still on the way. New destination to discover, new people to get to know, my heart beating fast mostly all the time, more of crazy-striptease moves on the net to entice himsince we don' t see each other all the time, well, it's been a great ride after all. I guess that being a good girl with some naughty-dirty-nasty-sexy attitude hidden in my closet will always be there. I am quirky. And it's fun to tease someone you like. Show some skin exclusively. Keep thy imagination running wild in his head. Beyond the power of self control I don't know where to get the resistance.
Between my books and a few constant drop of chat messages from the people who are important to me, I can't help but recall how things used to be simple and complicated way back then.
Chatting with Dad nowadays gets even more exciting. He's the only one I've got. All my brothers have their own separate lives. And I am here to take care of my old man whom I love. However, talking to him feels like I am talking to my own son in his teenage years. Come on. I usually had talks with my girlfriends whenever I am dropping the ball in breaking a guy's heart but hearing my Dad's plight towards rejection is definitely new for me. He started inquiring me about stuff that I never thought would run in a guy's mind just to please one person he likes. You know, it's different with women at this point in time. We have the urge to express how we feel without reservation as long as we feel that there's nothing wrong with it. Of course, I still have butterflies in my stomach whenever I get caught up in the middle with someone I really liked. I had my fair share of sweaty palms and tongue twisters whenever I get a glimpse of that special person who makes my heart skip a beat. And my Dad saying these symptoms to me, is like " this is not happening..." And yet, of course I will help him and will understand him for I wanted nothing but his happiness. It's just so foreign. Knowing who it is made it even more intriguing.
Well, talking about people I used to spend most of the time in the past it's exciting how much effort they do just to drop me a line or two. How much they are looking forward to seeing me. Some people I am not even close to become all of a sudden seems like a long-lost best friend. Oh, Maybe I really did something right in my life if people started looking at me differently. At the same time, it still feels the old "me" after all these years. After how many times I changed my hair color and how many times I chopped my hair off. I am still the nerdy girl who dreams big and wants to be everything all at the same time. Only, I am lighter and whiter. Thanks to Dubai water and weather. Classmates from grade school to University, past job experiences, neighbors and my friend's neighbors and maybe even my neighbor's dog if it has Facebook he will click "like " in my Facebook page. I am very much flattered. I am very much thrilled. God has reasons why He is showing these things to me. I just fill in another role. People are looking up to me in away that I could not afford to disappoint them. I just remember someone sent me a message that I am her role model. That's fabulous. Don't just get overboard though. I have fallen before from like 10 flight of stairs from falling crazily-in love,
Well at least, from the many times I fell I sure did find the courage to get up.
I will always be the nerdy goody-good girl. Love me or hate me. It doesn't matter. You will like me in the end.
I have a week to finish June, and only six more months 'til I get to the full circle. A lot of surprising adventure's still on the way. New destination to discover, new people to get to know, my heart beating fast mostly all the time, more of crazy-striptease moves on the net to entice him
a walk down memory lane... a few years back of my life
Friday, June 22, 2012
I woke up today with a slight headache. As I try to grasp the events that happened last night I couldn't help but assume if I was drunk or something when I reached my bed. But no, I did not drink any alcohol.
Since my training started I was acting more like a super girl. Running errands after attending classes, waking up as early as four and sleeping late 'til I hit my bed and shutting off automatically. And making matters worse, the yellow fever vaccine made me sick and sluggish after a few days after the shot. There were times during the last week that I wished for someone to be kind enough to open my head to see what's in there, because the pain was just excruciatingly unbearable.
When it's work, I work. HARD. When I am off, I am definitely OFF.
At the end of the day, we owe whatever to ourselves alone. We have goals set. We want something's to happen. We do our best to get it. And for me, it's our ultimate right to reward ourselves after such a long week.
It's amazing to spend the weekend with someone who kisses you goodnight. Wishing that his kisses will last 'til you see him again. The week will be long and that's like the magical glue that sticks the pieces together. You knew how it felt to be a kid again. The burning heat and the thrill of electricity as I longed for air to fill my lungs. You never been kissed like that. It's hard to miss someone because it makes you feel hungry of being together or something like that. I don't have the perfect words to describe it. It's like a long summer without rain and when it does the soil absorbs it quickly and it doesn't satisfy that thirst. Sometimes I don't understand myself. But then who cares? Not all of us have the answers anyway.
I went to church and did some errands. I have a lot of studying to do. And I miss reading Edward Cullen's Midnight Sun. I have another long day ahead of me tomorrow. I am still entitled for another day off but it will be another working day for me it seems.I am grateful for having my extended family being just a five to fifteen minute taxi ride from me. Otherwise I will completely lose my mind.
Life balance. We can master such. And live life sealed in prayers.
I believe in God. I believe in Love. I believe in achieving our dreams and whatever our deepest heart's desires are. I believe that nothing is impossible. I know the way there is not easy. But I have faith. I have more than enough to keep me going. And I feel blessed everyday.
I will never be perfect and nobody will be. But you know what, your imperfections might be just perfect for that another imperfect person right for you.
Since my training started I was acting more like a super girl. Running errands after attending classes, waking up as early as four and sleeping late 'til I hit my bed and shutting off automatically. And making matters worse, the yellow fever vaccine made me sick and sluggish after a few days after the shot. There were times during the last week that I wished for someone to be kind enough to open my head to see what's in there, because the pain was just excruciatingly unbearable.
When it's work, I work. HARD. When I am off, I am definitely OFF.
At the end of the day, we owe whatever to ourselves alone. We have goals set. We want something's to happen. We do our best to get it. And for me, it's our ultimate right to reward ourselves after such a long week.
It's amazing to spend the weekend with someone who kisses you goodnight. Wishing that his kisses will last 'til you see him again. The week will be long and that's like the magical glue that sticks the pieces together. You knew how it felt to be a kid again. The burning heat and the thrill of electricity as I longed for air to fill my lungs. You never been kissed like that. It's hard to miss someone because it makes you feel hungry of being together or something like that. I don't have the perfect words to describe it. It's like a long summer without rain and when it does the soil absorbs it quickly and it doesn't satisfy that thirst. Sometimes I don't understand myself. But then who cares? Not all of us have the answers anyway.
I went to church and did some errands. I have a lot of studying to do. And I miss reading Edward Cullen's Midnight Sun. I have another long day ahead of me tomorrow. I am still entitled for another day off but it will be another working day for me it seems.I am grateful for having my extended family being just a five to fifteen minute taxi ride from me. Otherwise I will completely lose my mind.
Life balance. We can master such. And live life sealed in prayers.
I believe in God. I believe in Love. I believe in achieving our dreams and whatever our deepest heart's desires are. I believe that nothing is impossible. I know the way there is not easy. But I have faith. I have more than enough to keep me going. And I feel blessed everyday.
I will never be perfect and nobody will be. But you know what, your imperfections might be just perfect for that another imperfect person right for you.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
It did take time. To Recover.
And then I gave myself a chance to see. I want to feel again. To feel the warmth of man's body next to me. The breath of another kind and whispers in my ear. I did feel alive. I am human after all.
I long for the touch and caress of the fingers down my spine. The kisses down my chest up and sides and everywhere. It's nice to feel you are a woman with such power to put insanity once in a while.
Take a deep breath and feel it. It lingers in my skin the scent of you.
I smile before the sun is up.
And there was you, take me.
And then I gave myself a chance to see. I want to feel again. To feel the warmth of man's body next to me. The breath of another kind and whispers in my ear. I did feel alive. I am human after all.
I long for the touch and caress of the fingers down my spine. The kisses down my chest up and sides and everywhere. It's nice to feel you are a woman with such power to put insanity once in a while.
Take a deep breath and feel it. It lingers in my skin the scent of you.
I smile before the sun is up.
And there was you, take me.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Call-in Sick
It's a scary world out there, - the uncertainties, the never-ending changes, the lack of stability. Sometimes it's better to just hide somewhere to avoid such surprises. But then, life isn't supposed to be like that. It's meant to be lived no matter how tough it seems to be.
One of the greatest things in life is having people around us as we go over the mystery of each encounter. Friendship is wonderful, falling-in love gives us reason to live, acquaintances makes us learn a thing or two about ourselves. No man is an island as they say.
There was one point in my life that I just wanted to be left alone. I used to not enjoying the company of others. Then as years went by, as my personal insecurities took a back seat I learned that it is indeed more fun to share moments with others. I used to be this selfish-spoiled little girl who always get what she wants when she wants it. I guess life has its own way to take care of things. Hardships can throw us over the edge sometimes. I am grateful that I have my faith to guide me otherwise I could up ended somewhere dark and cold. It made me humble. It made me appreciate even the smallest things.
Today is supposed to be a whole day of fun, relaxation, and butterflies playing around my stomach and yet I ended up covered with sweats in a lazy Friday afternoon by myself. Getting ill definitely sucks. I realized that being well is like having ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's vital that we take time to take care of ourselves and pursue happiness in a daily basis. I took the meds and decided to write, watch some comedy skits in Youtube and bring a pint of ice cream-(pursuing happiness in a daily basis.)
But when something amazing ends it is heartbreaking. I usually have friends that I have since 10 years ago. So breaking up a friendship is something that I am not used to. I miss the person incredibly. I want things to be okay without compromising what I already have. At this point I cannot sacrifice the other in order to keep the other. When I have finally learn to breathe again, to switch on my heart and get sweep off my feet once in a while, one goes straight to the door without a word. I did try to make amends but to no avail. I never experienced something like this before. I never had a friend who made me choose over coffee-flavored ice cream and the chocolate one. Because I love them both.
I don't know what's out there. I am happy. I have an amazing job that I aspire to excel in. I have great interests and passion worth my entire life to be devoted to. I have a heart surgery that starts to beat again. I could not be even more thankful for God's amazing grace.
I opened my window for the first time. As the heat crossed my face and bustling sound of traffic caught my ears I felt the urgency to stretch my arms to reach the end of the pane. I am feeling better. The medication kicked off. My fever is gone. There is nothing more beautiful than having the ability to see things perfect even when they are not.
One of the greatest things in life is having people around us as we go over the mystery of each encounter. Friendship is wonderful, falling-in love gives us reason to live, acquaintances makes us learn a thing or two about ourselves. No man is an island as they say.
There was one point in my life that I just wanted to be left alone. I used to not enjoying the company of others. Then as years went by, as my personal insecurities took a back seat I learned that it is indeed more fun to share moments with others. I used to be this selfish-spoiled little girl who always get what she wants when she wants it. I guess life has its own way to take care of things. Hardships can throw us over the edge sometimes. I am grateful that I have my faith to guide me otherwise I could up ended somewhere dark and cold. It made me humble. It made me appreciate even the smallest things.
Today is supposed to be a whole day of fun, relaxation, and butterflies playing around my stomach and yet I ended up covered with sweats in a lazy Friday afternoon by myself. Getting ill definitely sucks. I realized that being well is like having ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's vital that we take time to take care of ourselves and pursue happiness in a daily basis. I took the meds and decided to write, watch some comedy skits in Youtube and bring a pint of ice cream-(
But when something amazing ends it is heartbreaking. I usually have friends that I have since 10 years ago. So breaking up a friendship is something that I am not used to. I miss the person incredibly. I want things to be okay without compromising what I already have. At this point I cannot sacrifice the other in order to keep the other. When I have finally learn to breathe again, to switch on my heart and get sweep off my feet once in a while, one goes straight to the door without a word. I did try to make amends but to no avail. I never experienced something like this before. I never had a friend who made me choose over coffee-flavored ice cream and the chocolate one. Because I love them both.
I don't know what's out there. I am happy. I have an amazing job that I aspire to excel in. I have great interests and passion worth my entire life to be devoted to. I have a heart surgery that starts to beat again. I could not be even more thankful for God's amazing grace.
I opened my window for the first time. As the heat crossed my face and bustling sound of traffic caught my ears I felt the urgency to stretch my arms to reach the end of the pane. I am feeling better. The medication kicked off. My fever is gone. There is nothing more beautiful than having the ability to see things perfect even when they are not.
Long day, long travels, songs playing
in my head. I held it
close just to keep
you from falling.
And the sweetness of the day
and the longing I feel between your hands,
it's like poison in my
veins.I do not
want to wake up.
Come closer, and feel the beat
of the echoes thumping right
in there. Smile to
me and I will stay tonight.
Breathe me in and out.
Don't close the door and listen closely.
Taste me dearly I will show you
the way. I will come
running for clouds.
in my head. I held it
close just to keep
you from falling.
And the sweetness of the day
and the longing I feel between your hands,
it's like poison in my
veins.I do not
want to wake up.
Come closer, and feel the beat
of the echoes thumping right
in there. Smile to
me and I will stay tonight.
Breathe me in and out.
Don't close the door and listen closely.
Taste me dearly I will show you
the way. I will come
running for clouds.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Hello Tomorrow!
I know it's not going to be easy. I am also well-aware that God knows I can make it out alive. I can endure it. He will show me the way. In times of doubt, in times of stress I know I will always find the strength to continue. Just make me well, don't let me catch a virus. Keep me away from colds and migraine. Long days will reward me soon.
I miss my mom. I miss my dad. I miss my friends. I miss my heart beating fast. I miss the rush through my veins when he's near me. I miss the things that are faraway from me. I miss the electricity passing through me and shivers down my back. I miss you.
Today, I met Catherine Baird at the Aviation Training College. What can I say, I was totally blown away. Out of 112,000 applicants only 3000 made it. She said we are the top 5%. She spent her weekend reading our file. And of course, she was expecting a lot from us. She deserved to be the Senior Vice President for Cabin Crew. She was so inspiring. And that's what I needed right now. Not everyone in class wants it as badly like some. Not everyone has the same vision of the future. But for me, I want to give my BEST. I never do anything half-heartedly. I believe that it's an insult to God if we don't strive to be the best that we could ever be. I believe too that He has equipped us with potentials to reach our goals. We need to push harder. I don't mean to be the queen of the world or something like that, to acquire power in such kind or to be famous just for the worldly sake of it. I just want to give it all out. I want to help others. I want to be a blessing to others for I have been truly blessed myself. I am no saint. I just want to keep it real. If only my mom is still here... I know she will understand me the most...
Looking forward for my weekend break. I still have a few work to do. Buying make-up is one of them. They take grooming class pretty seriously here. I feel so much like a girl. I love doing free makeovers to my girlfriends and now I am tied to my red-lipstick for life. I feel special to have everything in sync.
Can't wait to kiss someone sooner...
I miss my mom. I miss my dad. I miss my friends. I miss my heart beating fast. I miss the rush through my veins when he's near me. I miss the things that are faraway from me. I miss the electricity passing through me and shivers down my back. I miss you.
Today, I met Catherine Baird at the Aviation Training College. What can I say, I was totally blown away. Out of 112,000 applicants only 3000 made it. She said we are the top 5%. She spent her weekend reading our file. And of course, she was expecting a lot from us. She deserved to be the Senior Vice President for Cabin Crew. She was so inspiring. And that's what I needed right now. Not everyone in class wants it as badly like some. Not everyone has the same vision of the future. But for me, I want to give my BEST. I never do anything half-heartedly. I believe that it's an insult to God if we don't strive to be the best that we could ever be. I believe too that He has equipped us with potentials to reach our goals. We need to push harder. I don't mean to be the queen of the world or something like that, to acquire power in such kind or to be famous just for the worldly sake of it. I just want to give it all out. I want to help others. I want to be a blessing to others for I have been truly blessed myself. I am no saint. I just want to keep it real. If only my mom is still here... I know she will understand me the most...
Looking forward for my weekend break. I still have a few work to do. Buying make-up is one of them. They take grooming class pretty seriously here. I feel so much like a girl. I love doing free makeovers to my girlfriends and now I am tied to my red-lipstick for life. I feel special to have everything in sync.
Can't wait to kiss someone sooner...
Sunday, June 10, 2012
The new sun is Up!
" In the land of beautiful people you can't help yourself from having this silent whisper of "oohs and ahhs"as you see them passing by the cafeteria while waiting for the next lecturer. Over 100 nationalities from all over the world in one-stop shop, surely you are special".
As I look carefully in each glowing faces filled with enthusiasm I suddenly had a flashback of the hardships I went through just to be here. And each person I know definitely had the same plight. All the grueling hours of waiting, and nerve-wrecking interviews at last landed us here is this magical place.
I am not perfect and nobody is. But it's sad when you get stuck with some people who don't have the same positive outlook like you have. As much as I can inject life and hope to each person I encounter there's just some who like belittling themselves in front of other people just because of where he or she comes from. I can't see the point.I believe that every one of us is created equal no matter how blue your eyes seems to be or how fair your skin looks like. Come on. If only each of us can just devote an hour or two to appreciate ourselves and identify our own potentials.Stop being our own bully just to gain someone's approval. Be proud where you came from. If you have a dream : FOLLOW IT. Never mind who laugh at them for you don't need them when you reach the top.
I feel sorry for those kind who compartmentalized themselves in little boxes. We have to be more confident that each of us is unique and have our own special gifts. Nothing is impossible. How others treat you is reflected on how you see yourself.
My journey has just begun. I get home always knocked-out, exhausted. Hurrying up every morning to take the early bus going to Headquarters. And you know what, it's all WORTH it. For everyday is an opportunity to learn new things, to excel, to love, to step up and embrace the beauty of just being alive.
As I look carefully in each glowing faces filled with enthusiasm I suddenly had a flashback of the hardships I went through just to be here. And each person I know definitely had the same plight. All the grueling hours of waiting, and nerve-wrecking interviews at last landed us here is this magical place.
I am not perfect and nobody is. But it's sad when you get stuck with some people who don't have the same positive outlook like you have. As much as I can inject life and hope to each person I encounter there's just some who like belittling themselves in front of other people just because of where he or she comes from. I can't see the point.I believe that every one of us is created equal no matter how blue your eyes seems to be or how fair your skin looks like. Come on. If only each of us can just devote an hour or two to appreciate ourselves and identify our own potentials.Stop being our own bully just to gain someone's approval. Be proud where you came from. If you have a dream : FOLLOW IT. Never mind who laugh at them for you don't need them when you reach the top.
I feel sorry for those kind who compartmentalized themselves in little boxes. We have to be more confident that each of us is unique and have our own special gifts. Nothing is impossible. How others treat you is reflected on how you see yourself.
My journey has just begun. I get home always knocked-out, exhausted. Hurrying up every morning to take the early bus going to Headquarters. And you know what, it's all WORTH it. For everyday is an opportunity to learn new things, to excel, to love, to step up and embrace the beauty of just being alive.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Movie Time
We were like people from the hit series Prison Break, as me and my cousin tried our best to sneak out. Original plan was to go out wherever our happy feet could take us. Unfortunately the Prison guard was smarter. Even before we took the back door he caught her and warned her to just stay home since we've been going out pretty much a lot lately. Of course, the good wife she is surrenders to the husband and so we ended up just popping one DVD after another.
With her long set of her movie collection I was indeed glad she picked this ONE out.
I love watching musicals. But this particular piece made a great impact in my life that actually made me realize just then how much Beatles deserve so much accolades in the their career.
Take your seat and watch and listen carefully... It's worth every song :-)
With her long set of her movie collection I was indeed glad she picked this ONE out.
I love watching musicals. But this particular piece made a great impact in my life that actually made me realize just then how much Beatles deserve so much accolades in the their career.
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aside from the songs, the movie has superb production and effect! |
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