Friday, May 25, 2012

Book Review

    While I am basically on holiday for a period of two weeks, days swift by with  no plan in mind. I entertain the sun peeking through my window with such intensity and the itinerary of the day mostly depends with whom I would like to explore my day.

  At first I was considering to meet my cousin who just got engaged but Friday may not be a good idea since she's always fully booked on weekends. Perhaps one day over the week days.  So I decided to meditate for a while and see where aftermath of yoga might take me.

I've been meaning to spend the day just reading. I love bookstores. I am a geek without the dark-framed glasses. But seriously I can get through the day just sitting in Borders or Kinokuniya. So today I grabbed a seat and bring a cardigan in case the AC becomes so cruel.

Reading the Twilight Trilogy for the Nth time is just not good for me. I can't write well. I don't feel driven afterwards. Sure, Stephanie Meyer is a great writer and the story is epic but I am just digging deeper if you know what I mean.

I instantly headed towards the Best Sellers section. I picked four off the shelves. I also take Lolita since I've been planning to finish it.

With my latte and four hard-bound in my table I almost finished one entirely until I decided to take a break and think if I want to continue.

I got intrigued with one particular book when I found out that Robsten are being considered as actors for the film adaptation .The first few chapters were fine until I literally felt sick.

I had my own fair share of sexual awakening some time in my early twenties. But after reading half of the book I felt betrayed. I don't particularly liked it. The erotic sexual content, the sadistic nature of it and the female being totally submissive and stupid about the whole thing.

It's just not for me.
Maybe I will take a rest and put the book the down for a while. Maybe in a few months I might consider crawling back to where I left of.
You guys decide.
I might be a prude.
I am still the happily-ever kind of gal who won't sleep around.

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