For everything there is a season. I would have to learn to embrace that and remind myself time and time again...
Sasha is growing up so fast, 'cant believe that this tiny baby whose body I used to carry with one hand is now getting heavier and smarter each day and it takes two mighty hands to put him in place. Oh what a lovely little person he is! He is full of surprises. And my heart is never empty with love.
There were good and bad days in Mother Land but there's nothing a hot cup of coffee cant fix. Sometimes I still catch myself in deep awe. What a marvelous feeling to see someone like you, not exactly like you but feels perfectly right you will do anything to give the world to this little being. I won't get tired of smelling him a great combination of milk, baby sweat and sweet saliva! Haha. I think it smells wonderful than my Chanel.
Our days are now more hectic for playing and making sure he won't fall. He likes climbing on furnitures and biting them and rummaging our apartment with crumbs of food stuff. I clean most of the time otherwise his crawling disgusting friends whom he likes to feed will stay with us and grow with us. Oh no.There's no room for diseases here! No way!
In three months my baby is going to be one. In my head I started planning his party. At the same time I am excited to revisit the part of my brain where my career plans reside. I am happy to be a mom. But still there's a huge part of me that wants to go out there and learn and contribute. When that time comes, surely when I look back I will miss this day when I just worry about Sasha falling off the bed.
There's no point being unhappy. One foolproof to being happy ? Stop comparing your life to others. Period. Enjoy your own journey. Appreciate. Give and multiply. Avoid vampires and don't spend the whole day browsing social media.
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