Anyway, this new month gives me so much hope. My dear scheduler was able to roster me to my favorite destinations. This time I am going to work indeed. It's high time that I get to rest first before they put me on ultra long range flights again.

For two consecutive days now I am completely getting obsessed to work-out like an athlete. I want to build some muscles and chisel my abs once again. I can't identify what kind of pressure I am suddenly getting myself in but one thing is sure : I just want to feel good about myself. When a cloud of self-doubt starts building up my horizon I know it's time to get my ass going. I feel this surge wave of energy to keep on improving and achieve more to the greatest of my ability. It's always been like that. My life is a stairwell . Up and Up you go.
I don't know if it's the age thing that I ended up downloading Sex and the City. I am on the verge of my late-twenties and tons of questions starts popping one by one. The pressure to settle-down and be on top of my career is like a sharp broken glass cutting deep in my veins. Sometimes I find myself staring into space wondering where I am headed. Who is my Prince and where is he? When's my next promotion? and Why all of my single friends have gotten married or got engaged or pregnant? I can't relate to the baby talks. And I don't get invited to their secret meet-up. Oh well, what a single-happy-girl can do?
As I ponder deep, I am happy. I can't complain more from this solid stability I have as a single girl. I own my time and besides I don't feel like I am running out of reasons to smile. I have an acceptable amount of admirers at bay and I am dating a special someone who takes my breath away. Career-wise, I know I am doing my best and will do more to get there. People will never stop asking questions- their why and when's are not my sole responsibility. Others will never stop expecting that you're life will turn out the way they hoped and I will just smile whenever it happens. Maybe I am bound to some exciting but different destination. Only God knows what's ahead and I know He's my faithful sailor and my loving Savior. He will deliver me to my best path.
All I have to do is live my life. To learn to love when it's been given and to learn to let go when it's time.
I know one day I will have my " and they lived happily ever after",thing I just have to have more faith to keep me going.
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