It's my first time to just be living one day at a time quite literally. Since my reserved month started five days back I just have no choice but live in the moment and do my planning after six pm. It's both frustrating and exciting. I am no fan of big surprises and so most of the time I always end up praying to be notified first for whatever is going to happen. Oh well, for sure I will get to fly to some cities on the other side of the world only hoping that I won't have to suffer from heavy snow because I am not carrying any fur coat whatsoever. Lazy month-- February, and looking forward to some exciting activities while waiting for Scheduling to notify me when somebody call in-sick and for me to takeover the missing Crew.
Today I am actually 19+ and one month know. And for some strange reason I really do feel quite OLD. Not because of the numbers but just for the way I see life now as I reached this age. A lot of things have changed and my priorities too. Way back ten years ago I was just this girl who wants to make it BIG in her chosen field. My growing up years made up of school, extra curricular activities and auditions-- a lot of Searching for doors to open for me. I know what I want, I just want too many things and just don't know what to prioritize. Life is a race to the finish line ten years ago, now it's really about quality rather than quantity.
Time is the most precious thing you can give to your loved-ones. Hours spent you wished you can take back for more valuable moments is only now- a dream. I really miss just being a young woman who still lives with her parents. I never thought that I will feel this great hole inside my chest yearning to spend more time with my Mom and my Dad and my brothers in our house with our dogs. I miss being the one who waits in the gate 'til Mom and Dad gets home from work and prepare dinner. I miss hearing their stories and them reprimanding me about Boys. I miss school days and summer vacation. I miss being young and carefree. I had an amazing time discovering my path towards adult life. If I will be given a chance to edit my life I guess I won't change a thing, only longer hours with my family.
I realized that as long as we live we have this great responsibility to keep planting seeds of love. It's not enough to just say hello when it's Christmas. With the nature of my job, I am lucky enough to have this chance to meet lots and lots of people from different walks of life and from all corners of the world. I also realized that somehow I am making more friends quicker than ever before. And I am glad that I have the desire to get to know them really. Social media makes it easier for us to be connected wherever and whenever. I am thankful than in each area of my life I get to meet people who share the same passion with mine. I feel 10 times richer than my colleagues. I was a bit popular during High School and College days but the feeling that someone remembers me not because of my achievements but for my character is something else. I feel lighter. I feel more valuable as a human being.
Since my Mom passed away a year ago, I made sure to call my Dad every single day. He is my first love and my super hero before I get serious with boys and in falling-in love. It's hard for me seeing him alone in our house and even harder picturing him trying to look happy when he gets home finding no one . When I visited him a few weeks back I was a bit relieved to find out he's been going out a lot to spend more time in church with friends. He asked me not to call too much and assure me he is okay. Only just today I found out that he still waits for me to call him every single day and worries when I fail to do so. My heart just melted. It feels human to be needed. With my busy life most of the time I forget that somebody needs me not because it's my job but because they love me.
I only have 24 hours a day and flying makes my brain cells a bit cranky which makes me forget things. I am making a habit now to use post-it notes to remind me to when to call and whom to call.
When was the last time you speak with your best friend?
It's been years, maybe.
Life is short. Make the most of the chances available.
I love You February!!!
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