This must be one of the best days of my life.
One missing child who can't speak English, the kid with the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, the 19-year old guy from Indiana and a group of toddlers running around the lobby. Even though I felt like I was 110% used today at work I think I had an amazing time. Someone UP there is seriously thinking of me, always giving me reasons to smile.
Today is no extraordinary. First time I encountered being caught in the middle of a sandstorm. If you have seen the movie Mission Impossible in Dubai just now I can tell that it's not exaggerated. I had to literally remove sand from my ears, from my hair, from my eyes and not to mention a handful ( perhaps) down my throat. It was insane.
And expectantly, the lobby was jam-packed like a fish market. There's just nowhere else to go. You can imagine the intensity of noise we have to endure while talking and listening and smiling that until now I can feel like my jaw still hurts for some reason. But then, I just love what I do. And I am proud to say that I am really good at it.
I realized that it does hurt when you work at something and in the end you did not get it. But nothing can change the fact that I always give my best. I never do anything half-halfheartedly. If I get a NO at something, I don't have to fret because one day, somewhere out there somebody will say Yes. I should not be discouraged.
As I drown my sorrows watching Glee for the past three weeks now, I discovered that playing with Kids is the best cure for my blues. I don't mind staying with a lost child as we try to look for his parents. I don't mind talking to teenagers asking about this and that and observing how they try to act like a real Man. I started to feel so old now. Seriously. Ans life is still beautiful in spite of all the madness and the chaos.
They are shooting Britain's next top Model here. Flashback. I remember those days when I go-see for modelling stints back in the day. My body never changed. My boobs never grew a cup size. But I had the same feeling those ladies must have felt. Thank God I surpassed the insecurity and the awkwardness and the pressure. Now I am just as happy and content for my God-given gifts.
I can't wait to sun-bathe. So please sandstorm Go away!
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