Thursday, November 26, 2015
The Best Homemade Pizza
I really am NOT the cooking type, until I got swept off my feet and married this guy. I hate chopping and cutting ingredients up to this day. Haha. Only when I realized I have a knack for cooking, my husband voluntarily do all the preparations while I do all the mixing and the works. He initially taught me how to bake bread then this our ol' time comfort food, Pizza! He confessed that I cook better than him now.Wohoo! Never dreamt somebody will EVER say that to me. And really , I do really make great homemade pizza! The secret really is in the crust and that red bell pepper but in this picture we used yellow bell peppers, and putting the right amount of heat and spices and picking the best pizza sauce. Mmmm..... Usually we have Friday Nights Pizza... then almost every other nights. Damn my belly! I really do need more situps!
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Date with my little man
Certainly feeling the Miranda Kerr -vibe a few minutes ago.
Since the weather was amahhhhhh-zing I decided to take a walk with my little one. Oh the breeze was just too perfect. And we were certainly frying our brains out staying inside the house most of the time. So I gathered all my courage and strength ( literally) and cross the bridge, and in no time we passed by the residential area, the high-rise buildings and settle in a corner to eat a sub sandwich and a cheese-covered fries hot off the fryer. It definitely was not the easiest of tasks. Lifting the baby on one shoulder, and another shoulder for the heavy-equipped diaper bag. Thank heavens for converse sneakers. I kicked off the idea of my 4inch heels when travelling alone with a child. After licking the cheese off my fingers, while Sasha was happily finishing his favorite banana flavoured baby cookies I told myself that we ( I mean me and him) should do this more often. Mommy was losing her S@#$t already with the same old, same old rituals of the days and so no doubt Sasha was feeling the same--- seeing only the four corners of the apartment day in day out.
This is me.
Me and my explorations. "How can you just stay at home all day or perhaps the whole week without seeing the sun shining in the perfect blue sky? Smelling the crisp air and buzzing sound of the busy day?", I asked myself.
I love morning walks and getting up early. In this side of the world, I have to find ways to taste life the way it should and not spend half the day sleeping or screening social media.
The old habit needs to go.
I should always remember who I used to be. Being a mom is difficult indeed but I love life and motherhood should not hinder me from this continuos love affair. Instead I should show my child how wonderful it is to step out there and be free, to have dreams and chase them. To live the life of endless possibilities.
I wanted to stay longer but he keeps biting the chair off and he's becoming a little bit impatient staying in one place for too long. So I got up and walked a bit. I checked one baby shop and as much as I want to purchase a few items for him it's just too complicated having him in one hand and the other to fish for my wallet under a pile of stuff. I can just do the shopping with the husband on the weekend.
Sometimes it gets lonely here in this motherhood neighborhood. Especially this phase of Sasha when you cannot just leave him alone. I fear for his safety 24/7. I wanted to do a lot of things but I need to prioritize him. I wanted to spend some quality time with some adults other than my husband. To talk about things other baby proofing. Haha.
But every time I get tempted to take a peek of what life could have been without him, once he starts making that distinct sound once he sees me..." Nah, this life is much much much better than the one without him," He sweeps me off my feet in an instant. And life would not be like rollercoaster ride of poop and rainbows and cotton candy dreams. Mom is an honor to have as a title and a full-time job without monetary pay.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
This is what it looks like inside a Models-only Gym
Ohh lala...
credits to popsugar
Nails Inspiration
I am a sucker for nail polish. Suddenly I feel bare without the color flashing as I do my chores. Haha. Being a mom made me appreciate simple things.
Just today, before I do my usual morning workout Hubby suddenly cracked up when he saw me applying a bright pink lipstick"why do you need it for? or you're just going to take a selfie?"
I said no. "Lipstick makes me happy. Just like well-manicured nails. "
Just today, before I do my usual morning workout Hubby suddenly cracked up when he saw me applying a bright pink lipstick"why do you need it for? or you're just going to take a selfie?"
I said no. "Lipstick makes me happy. Just like well-manicured nails. "
Winter is Here
Yey! Finally it's here. No need for AC and long walks can be very much enjoyable.
And this weather makes us stay late in the bed. I'm the morning-type of person but the cool breeze blowing from the open window made me lay there helplessly while the little one snooze as well. I guess he loves it too. My husband suddenly asked me why I no longer wake up earlier than before. Ooops!
And this weather makes us stay late in the bed. I'm the morning-type of person but the cool breeze blowing from the open window made me lay there helplessly while the little one snooze as well. I guess he loves it too. My husband suddenly asked me why I no longer wake up earlier than before. Ooops!
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Suckers for Pumpkin Pie!
My husband and I are crazy over pumpkin pies!
So yesterday in the midst of a ton of home chores to finish, we managed to make our favorite. I was initially thinking to bake cupcakes but the grocery store down our apartment was mostly missing the ingredients I need.
We are like Fugitives on the Loose
Yeah, once I'd successfully put him down the bed...
Hurray!!! One of us automatically celebrates. He either goes back to his reading or continue his quest in his latest video game, while I hurriedly goes back to my little nook and pamper myself. Or we get our coffee mugs and silently pour red wine ( for me) and a Johnny Walker (for him) and snuggle under the sheets. Its our way of escape from our Captor. This mighty little one who held us hostage since he popped into this world. Hah. We are helpless adults once he wails or flails. My God. This little cutie.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
So last time I was complaining about not having enough time for couple's night, or Sasha not letting us have one (without him crying and asking for boobie) and how he's becoming so slippery active I was grasping for air at the end of the day, well, I should always be reminded of how precious these times were , until he got a fever of almost 40degrees. I prefer the active, happy and noisy Sasha than the quiet lazy couch potato when he's having a fever. Damn this teething phase! We were literally worried sick for almost two days. My husband more panicky than me was running like a chicken without a head. I don't like him when he's becoming one and myself turning into one of Daenrys's dragons. We rushed him to ER at 5 am since his body was as hot as the oven when I'm baking pizza. The thing was, he's not even crying. I just felt him very hot as he squeezed his body next to mine searching for my chest. I grab my husband by the hand and woke up him immediately. The doctor didnt find anything. It could be the weather becoming more chilly, the changing breeze and yeah the molars finally popping. And so we both decided to turn off the AC and let the windows open all day and night. At least a little minus from electric bill these coming months and more sweat when I'm working out. (The greatest feeling!)
The next day he was fine and jolly. Now I realized I have no right to complain. Instead be mindful of the blessings. Maybe me, depriving him of the milk made him unwell somehow. I could have had pressured him to let go too quickly when he's not yet ready. Perhaps I should back off a little and let the whole thing takes its course. He will be ready once he's ready. I should learn to trust him more. My girls can wait, and a good push- up bra is anywhere available anyway.
I can't imagine it's already November. And 2015 is almost coming to a close. Just last year around this time I was in the Philippines patiently waiting for Sasha's arrival and my husband coming for his birth. And now we are together, as promised. God is so good!
This last week was full of downs more than ups. Every night I reflect on my day and contemplate of the things I could have done better. God wants me to be the best version of myself. I want to change this and that. But I cannot do it on my own. My child and my husband are my greatest blessings. It's easy to forget when you get carried away by rolling tides. But God is always ardent to remind me how much he blessed me. I have everything I wanted and more, it's mostly a matter of attitude how I see life and how to grab happiness by the head. There is no room to complain when there's so much to be thankful for.
love and other drugs,
Friday, November 6, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Monday, November 2, 2015
Baby Proofing and all other stuff Related
Oh my, 'thoughtI had the worst of the phase bringing up bebe. 'Thought the first three months post-birth were the hardest, man I can say right now that this phase of him strutting his moves carefully on our floor tiles are the most demanding and nerve-wracking to date. 'Can't do much right now besides making sure he won't fall bump his head or cut his face. We are literally playing hide-and-seek and track and field inside our apartment.
On top of that, I think I am D-O-N-E with the breastfeeding, not only that he bites really hard now, he squeeze and pinch and pull my girls like elastic rubber bands. Sometimes I want to consider wearing a metal breastplate that kind knights wore in a battle 'coz it's practically the same with Sasha. Getting him to suck my boobies when he was born was relatively easy so I thought maybe saying goodbye to them will be the same. I am giving him another month to continue his relationship with my chest until then I need to teach him how to move on. "Breaking up is never easy little man but it can be done! ". I am beyond grateful for the wonderful benefits of breastfeeding that my boy was able to experience. True, he never really get sick and he is smart and joyful to be around with but now that his first birthday is looming around the corner my almost 9 kg baby needs to feed from the bottle from that time on. He is heavy and moves like a fish, doesn't want to be hiding under my nursing cover anymore like he wants him to be seen like he's an old man drinking beer,in the expense of my boobies overly exposed . For sure we are gonna get kicked out everywhere we go if we will persist. Dubai is a bit strict with nursing mothers that they actually build special rooms in the malls exclusively for us.How sad to be isolated from all the fun.
On top of that, I think I am D-O-N-E with the breastfeeding, not only that he bites really hard now, he squeeze and pinch and pull my girls like elastic rubber bands. Sometimes I want to consider wearing a metal breastplate that kind knights wore in a battle 'coz it's practically the same with Sasha. Getting him to suck my boobies when he was born was relatively easy so I thought maybe saying goodbye to them will be the same. I am giving him another month to continue his relationship with my chest until then I need to teach him how to move on. "Breaking up is never easy little man but it can be done! ". I am beyond grateful for the wonderful benefits of breastfeeding that my boy was able to experience. True, he never really get sick and he is smart and joyful to be around with but now that his first birthday is looming around the corner my almost 9 kg baby needs to feed from the bottle from that time on. He is heavy and moves like a fish, doesn't want to be hiding under my nursing cover anymore like he wants him to be seen like he's an old man drinking beer,in the expense of my boobies overly exposed . For sure we are gonna get kicked out everywhere we go if we will persist. Dubai is a bit strict with nursing mothers that they actually build special rooms in the malls exclusively for us.How sad to be isolated from all the fun.
And about the party me and my husband were so thrilled to attend for the first time without the child tugging along, well.... The party was ruined. COMPLETELY. I put him to bed at 10, hubby will land in Dubai at 1045 I had ample time to get ready. Just right after he called to tell me he will be waiting for me downstairs in the parking lot, Sasha wailed like there was an emergency or something. He screams like an ambulance car sometimes. I asked my cousin to turn off all the lights and I will try to rock him back to sleep. There, my little child like an adult gazed right into my eyes in wonder why momma is wearing make up this late and smells nice and not baby puke. He could have figured right then that something was off." Momma has an evil plan." I managed to hand him over to my cousin and they went to another room while I sneak out of the apartment like a teenager. My knight in shining armor was there sitting in our car waiting for me. We were so excited. I was over the moon to be sitting in the front , beside him since I only get to sit at the back to make sure Sasha doesn't cry, looking always like the nanny there. We were just cruising Sheikh Zayed when I received a text message from Danica. " Sasha is crying and he wont take the bottle". Oh we're doomed. The Palm island is a 45-minute drive from our place without the traffic. His friends were so thrilled so know we will make it,unfortunately we only lasted for a mere 10 minutes. 'Didn't even get to finish my cocktail. I was pissed with the crying of Sasha vibrating on my phone. When we arrived he was asleep. My cousin said he was crying since the moment I left and only stopped 15 minutes before we arrived. So there, I'm not going to party 'til he's five. Oh please God no.
This is parenthood and motherhood coming out from someone like me. These are the challenges when your little boy is not so little anymore but is getting too clingy. He wants me like I am his god. I think thats very sweet. His smile melts my heart every time. It's not easy all the time but it's fun having him. Yeah so I'm putting the idea of a night out to rest for a while 'til we figure out how to teach Sasha a little independence.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
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