Thursday, August 30, 2012
To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little; to be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
11 Inner-Beauty Tips from Bobbi Brown
The cosmetics queen made a name for herself as a makeup artist,
but learned more in the process.
“There are so many images today that don’t necessarily give
girls a way to feel good about themselves,” says cosmetics queen Bobbi Brown.
“There are so many actresses who have starved themselves … they wear designer
clothes, have hair dressers and makeup artists, and regular girls can’t
compete.” That’s why she wrote Bobbi Brown Beauty
Rules: Fabulous Looks, Beauty Essentials, and Life Lessons
, published in 2010. “I wrote the book to help empower girls to
realize that they rock and they are beautiful.” [Read more about Brown in the March 2012 issue of SUCCESS.]

book offers“Bobbi’s Basic Life Rules,” which include the following:
Rule No. 1: Be nice; I’m not kidding. The more you give to
others, the more you get.
Rule No. 2: Tell the truth.
Rule No. 3: Take risks.
Rule No. 4: Never give up. When I started working in makeup, I had no
experience. A lot of times I had to work for free to prove myself and sometimes
people wouldn’t even let me do that. Even though I had really discouraging
days, I never let no become the final answer.
Rule No. 5: Be on time. But if you are going to be more than five minutes
Rule No. 6: Be open!!! When I was doing an in-store appearance, an older
lady asked me for tips to make her lipstick last. I took time to give her my
best advice. … Turns out the little red-haired woman was the grandmother of the
Today show’s executive producer. That meeting helped me become the show’s guest
beauty editor.
Rule No. 7: Care about something.
Rule No. 8: Give back. Find a cause that’s meaningful to you and make it
your own.
Rule No. 9: Work hard. Start at the bottom and learn all you can. Be strong.
Rule No. 10: Look people in the eye; it shows confidence.
Rule No. 11: Dream big.
from Bobbi Brown Beauty
Rules: Fabulous Looks, Beauty Essentials, and Life Lessons
, 2010, Chronicle Books.

Monday, August 27, 2012
Story-telling Japan
It happened again, whenever I am doing my Narita flights I ended up having a bad case of jetlag. I know it's only a ten-hour flight with five-hour difference and yet I tend to be more like a corpse going back to Dubai. I will try to sleep for two days but hardly had any in the end. And this morning I did a turnaround to Jeddah, the early morning flight. It was only a two-hour flight but honestly it was like taking the longest flight of all.
I love Ultra long range flights with A380. I was lucky enough indeed to always have such amazing team with me who never fails to look after one another. Last time we kept ourselves awake by notoriously talking about sex and then the last Narita, my gay friends had a lovely time sharing their awkward moments in the 'biz.
The first time I went to Tokyo I just ate. Since everyone just wanted to eat and then sleep, go to the gym in the morning and sleep some more. I had an amazing time with my sushi and sashimi but did not do much of what I was originally had in mind. And since I get to see Tokyo twice this month I really did make the effort to go out and roam with or without someone the second time.
After dinner with my girl Kristine from the Philippines and after several attempts to lure her to coming with me to have a stroll the next day to nurse her broken heart I still ended up defeated. I crawled back to my room and turned on the Telly hoping that watching Brad Pitt speaking in Japanese will cradle me to sleep. Well, it did not. I woke up in the middle of the night staring at the blank wall. I opened a bag of M&Ms and switched on the Flat Screen again. This time Nicholas Cage for some strange reason (maybe it was his batman-like costume) got my melatonin working. With his fun-slash-highly-violent movie KickAss with some teenage guy wearing a green-condom-like costume somehow managed to take me to dreamland.
The next day I felt as always, driven to go out and get some fresh air. With no map or GPRS only my stubbornness I went out by foot to search for a temple. I got on a bus and walk like a mile until I found the temple on top of the hill. It took me several funny lost-in-translations-situations asking for direction to finally arrive in my destination. I almost got hit by a speeding car not knowing it was not the pedestrian.
Looking back a few years ago, I used to be the Front desk who delivers the wake-up call for Singapore Airlines crew in my old-hotel’s Telephone Operator Desk. Life is full of lovely surprises.
So, Jeddah the two-hour flight that took two hours just to board and my mind floating like feathers in the air somehow still successfully made my heart to skip a beat. I had a superb Flight Review. I still lived-up to and beyond what was expected, which was unexpected due to lack of sleep. And aside from that, salary came, I got my wishes granted for next month’s roster and my flat mate was like a corpse too when I came home. This time, I managed to sleep like a baby…
Friday, August 24, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
I gained so much control of myself. I guess sometimes it gets more addictive as time goes by. As I held my guards up, I am more convinced that it's the only way to protect myself from hurt, little did I know that it's also the same thing that's keeping me away from being truly happy.
I called for the cab to picked me up an hour and a half after midnight. I slept two hours and woke up feeling grumpy. The songs playing in the radio failed to cheer me up until my ringtone blasted and saw a familiar name flashing on my mobile screen. A cheerful voice on the other line succeeded to draw a wide smile across my face. When someone was very much looking forward to see you no wonder you will feel the same feeling I have been feeling lately.
His lanky figure resembles someone I used to stare a lot in FTV. I just came right on time. I guess taxi cab drivers will never be nice to me. Ever. There's always going to be a sad tale after that fifteen-minute hell of a ride. It's either another story of harassment or a near-death experience as you grasp for oxygen to fill in your lungs since the cabbie forgot to take shower in a million years. Until I saw him standing there, with his perfect set of pearly whites that I got used to seeing and biting between kisses, somehow helped me forgot my unluckiness with commute.
There's something about how his eyes flicker with light whenever he looks at me. And his touch that never fails to crawl with electricity and heat which nourishes me back to life. I had simply forgotten how to matter to someone. How to be greeted with much ardor and expectancy. And he's making me feel beautiful. He's making me happy.
I always give more than what is expected, that's just my mantra. And I just don't share a part of me, I intend to give my heart into it.
If only the walls could talk because those two nights I had laid myself awake and dripping in sweats in the arms of someone I care passionately about I guess it would agree as I pondered some valuable lessons about life and love.
I kissed his tender lips and drank his thirst away as we dive together in the rivers of youth that was once been taken away from me. He drew circles down my back and wrote my name with his fingers as he sweetly cradle me to sleep. And when I woke up his arms never falter nor complain. I had watched the sun shines in his eyes during the day and see stars when he kisses me goodnight.
His arms carry me with much ease and caress me with his feather-like touch. He worship my body and make love to me like it was just his first. I don't want to wake up. Let's just stay intertwined.
So I made up my mind to give myself a chance. To expand my horizon and learn to let go. Nobody's perfect and so does he or me. I left my prison cell a year ago and my new beginning has been the sweetest of all.
I called for the cab to picked me up an hour and a half after midnight. I slept two hours and woke up feeling grumpy. The songs playing in the radio failed to cheer me up until my ringtone blasted and saw a familiar name flashing on my mobile screen. A cheerful voice on the other line succeeded to draw a wide smile across my face. When someone was very much looking forward to see you no wonder you will feel the same feeling I have been feeling lately.
His lanky figure resembles someone I used to stare a lot in FTV. I just came right on time. I guess taxi cab drivers will never be nice to me. Ever. There's always going to be a sad tale after that fifteen-minute hell of a ride. It's either another story of harassment or a near-death experience as you grasp for oxygen to fill in your lungs since the cabbie forgot to take shower in a million years. Until I saw him standing there, with his perfect set of pearly whites that I got used to seeing and biting between kisses, somehow helped me forgot my unluckiness with commute.
There's something about how his eyes flicker with light whenever he looks at me. And his touch that never fails to crawl with electricity and heat which nourishes me back to life. I had simply forgotten how to matter to someone. How to be greeted with much ardor and expectancy. And he's making me feel beautiful. He's making me happy.
I always give more than what is expected, that's just my mantra. And I just don't share a part of me, I intend to give my heart into it.
If only the walls could talk because those two nights I had laid myself awake and dripping in sweats in the arms of someone I care passionately about I guess it would agree as I pondered some valuable lessons about life and love.
I kissed his tender lips and drank his thirst away as we dive together in the rivers of youth that was once been taken away from me. He drew circles down my back and wrote my name with his fingers as he sweetly cradle me to sleep. And when I woke up his arms never falter nor complain. I had watched the sun shines in his eyes during the day and see stars when he kisses me goodnight.
His arms carry me with much ease and caress me with his feather-like touch. He worship my body and make love to me like it was just his first. I don't want to wake up. Let's just stay intertwined.
So I made up my mind to give myself a chance. To expand my horizon and learn to let go. Nobody's perfect and so does he or me. I left my prison cell a year ago and my new beginning has been the sweetest of all.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Take Control of Your Dreams
Brian Tracy says charting a course is the best way to reach them
2Imagine arriving on
the outskirts of a large city and being told to drive to a particular home or
office there. But there are no road signs and you have no map. In fact, all you
have is a very general description of the home or office, so finding it would
be very much a matter of luck. Sadly, this is the way most people live their
people start life traveling aimlessly through an unmapped and uncharted world.
This is the equivalent of starting off in life with no goals and plans. They
simply figure things out as they go along. Often, 10 or 20 years of work will
go past and they will still be broke, unhappy in their jobs, dissatisfied with
their marriages and making little progress. And still, they will go home every
night and watch television, wishing and hoping things will get better. But they
seldom do. Not by themselves.
Nightingale wrote, “Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal
or goal.” Goals fulfill the greatest need of human beings—a sense of meaning
and purpose in life. One of the great benefits of goal-setting is that you
control the direction of change in your life. Setting goals, working toward
them day by day, and ultimately achieving them is the key to happiness in life.
starting point of goal-setting is to realize you have virtually unlimited
potential to be, have or do anything you really want in life if you simply want
it badly enough and are willing to work long enough and hard enough to achieve
it. So, what do you really want to do with your life? What do you want to be or
to have in life? You should return to this question over and over again in the
months and years ahead. Remember, you can’t hit a target you can’t see. In more
than 50 years of research, psychologists have determined that your locus of
control is the determining factor of your happiness or unhappiness in life.
People with an external locus of control—those who typically don’t set
goals—feel controlled by external factors, by their boss, their bills, their
marriage, their childhood problems and their current situation. They feel out
of control, and as a result, they feel weak, angry, fearful, negative, hostile
and disempowered. People who do set goals often operate with an internal locus
of control—they feel in complete control of their lives. They feel strong,
confident and powerful. They are generally optimistic and positive. They feel
terrific about themselves and very much in charge of their direction in life.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
A taste of Tokyo Part 1
Monday, August 13, 2012
Good Morning Monday!
Three days off passed by so quickly. It felt like I slept for two days and only yesterday that I felt being actually off. I had studied the next destination and received the email that the load for my early morning flight is quite low. I need to stay awake for a long journey ahead. So before I go back to sleep after lunch, might as well put my free time to good use.
I missed Church. It happens that my flights usually fall on the days when we have service. Thank God for internet for Podcasts are just a click away. My spiritual starvation is bugging me lately and I need to feed it. At the moment, I have been watching Joel Osteen. I read his book and I truly liked it . And just by watching his broadcast makes me feel well. I get more hope and strength to face the day. He makes learning the Scripture more simple. It actually helps me to pick my battles properly.While blogging or while cleaning my room I usually turn my speakers on hearing his sermon.
Living with three other people in this apartment can be quite challenging. Although, we don't see each other often I still feel wish that I have my own place. Freedom is always worth fighting for. And right now, it's one of the most important things that I am striving to have. I have always been in-love with Interior design. And it's such a great pleasure of mine to decorate my own place no matter how tiny or grand my space would be. I love exploring my artistic nature. And there's nothing more wonderful than going home to a place that makes you warm in the inside and be able to invite whoever you want to sing karaoke 'til morning.
I've realized that during all these transition in my life, the success and the challenges this year, I learned to handle them with much ease only when I am feeling good about myself, when I don't stress myself pleasing others; trying to meet their expectations. I only have to please myself and please God. Not every day is a perfect day. Not all plans materialize the way we envisioned it. Not all things happened the way we expected. Disappointments can drag us down. It can keep us awake all night. When you get used to having some things so easy before and then suddenly the tides roll in a different direction it sort of left you having no choice but be more creative and have less expectation. And most of all, to try to find meaning why things happen that way. I've survived these things before, there's no doubt I can come out of this as a victor. I know I am always blessed. Someone's taking care of me.
With the convenience of the internet everything you need to know is just a click away. Like having a blog, or having an FB and twitter account you can make your life so public. If you don't choose the Private setting anyone can just get your information and claim later that it's actually theirs. It's sad to see people do that. I think it's cheating. The convenience of internet per se is actually a great tool to be more original. It's so easy to find inspiration.To make that awesome person you've always been in the inside to finally come out to life.
Last night, I've finally made a decision to cut all ties with somebody. This person used to be a friend of mine not a very long time ago. Although we still greet each other whenever we come across each other's page, I am no longer comfortable to share my life aspirations anymore. This person used be someone I consider "a dear friend" until several situations occurred that made me realized I was wrong. Something inside of me is giving me the red flag that I should not trust this person. A few months ago, I discovered that this person seems to "like" me very much. I always consider imitation as the greatest form of flattery. I don't mind if you said you don't like my hair color but get the exact same one the very next day. I don't mind you buying the same exact shoes and clothes I buy. The only thing that makes me think you reached the limit is to copy everything that's mine. Tweets, style, interests, way of speech and everything else that I could possibly have in my mind. It's actually looking at the second rate version of myself. And man, I. don't. like. it. I felt like I've been robbed. I feel sorry for that person who is lost. I do appreciate the fact that somebody really pays attention to every thing I do or say. But I think lying to yourself is a crime. Why would you try to be somebody you're not? And walk all over the place claiming that it belongs to you?
Well, I need to get a brand new perspective perhaps.
But right now, I just want to do everything by all means to avoid this person.
I know if I buy something I will find it in that person's page. If I make something or said something, right away it's there.
It's hard being a celebrity perhaps.
At least I should get paid for this!
See you guys in three days!
Have a lovely new week ahead!
I will try to find Harajuku girls for you... :-)
Three days off passed by so quickly. It felt like I slept for two days and only yesterday that I felt being actually off. I had studied the next destination and received the email that the load for my early morning flight is quite low. I need to stay awake for a long journey ahead. So before I go back to sleep after lunch, might as well put my free time to good use.
I missed Church. It happens that my flights usually fall on the days when we have service. Thank God for internet for Podcasts are just a click away. My spiritual starvation is bugging me lately and I need to feed it. At the moment, I have been watching Joel Osteen. I read his book and I truly liked it . And just by watching his broadcast makes me feel well. I get more hope and strength to face the day. He makes learning the Scripture more simple. It actually helps me to pick my battles properly.While blogging or while cleaning my room I usually turn my speakers on hearing his sermon.
Living with three other people in this apartment can be quite challenging. Although, we don't see each other often I still feel wish that I have my own place. Freedom is always worth fighting for. And right now, it's one of the most important things that I am striving to have. I have always been in-love with Interior design. And it's such a great pleasure of mine to decorate my own place no matter how tiny or grand my space would be. I love exploring my artistic nature. And there's nothing more wonderful than going home to a place that makes you warm in the inside and be able to invite whoever you want to sing karaoke 'til morning.
I've realized that during all these transition in my life, the success and the challenges this year, I learned to handle them with much ease only when I am feeling good about myself, when I don't stress myself pleasing others; trying to meet their expectations. I only have to please myself and please God. Not every day is a perfect day. Not all plans materialize the way we envisioned it. Not all things happened the way we expected. Disappointments can drag us down. It can keep us awake all night. When you get used to having some things so easy before and then suddenly the tides roll in a different direction it sort of left you having no choice but be more creative and have less expectation. And most of all, to try to find meaning why things happen that way. I've survived these things before, there's no doubt I can come out of this as a victor. I know I am always blessed. Someone's taking care of me.
With the convenience of the internet everything you need to know is just a click away. Like having a blog, or having an FB and twitter account you can make your life so public. If you don't choose the Private setting anyone can just get your information and claim later that it's actually theirs. It's sad to see people do that. I think it's cheating. The convenience of internet per se is actually a great tool to be more original. It's so easy to find inspiration.To make that awesome person you've always been in the inside to finally come out to life.
Last night, I've finally made a decision to cut all ties with somebody. This person used to be a friend of mine not a very long time ago. Although we still greet each other whenever we come across each other's page, I am no longer comfortable to share my life aspirations anymore. This person used be someone I consider "a dear friend" until several situations occurred that made me realized I was wrong. Something inside of me is giving me the red flag that I should not trust this person. A few months ago, I discovered that this person seems to "like" me very much. I always consider imitation as the greatest form of flattery. I don't mind if you said you don't like my hair color but get the exact same one the very next day. I don't mind you buying the same exact shoes and clothes I buy. The only thing that makes me think you reached the limit is to copy everything that's mine. Tweets, style, interests, way of speech and everything else that I could possibly have in my mind. It's actually looking at the second rate version of myself. And man, I. don't. like. it. I felt like I've been robbed. I feel sorry for that person who is lost. I do appreciate the fact that somebody really pays attention to every thing I do or say. But I think lying to yourself is a crime. Why would you try to be somebody you're not? And walk all over the place claiming that it belongs to you?
Well, I need to get a brand new perspective perhaps.
But right now, I just want to do everything by all means to avoid this person.
I know if I buy something I will find it in that person's page. If I make something or said something, right away it's there.
It's hard being a celebrity perhaps.
At least I should get paid for this!
See you guys in three days!
Have a lovely new week ahead!
I will try to find Harajuku girls for you... :-)
Fashion Monday
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
view from the Top |
one of those crazy infrastructures in Seoul |
pocket-money -- lots of zeros for the KoreanWon |
city lights |
at least there's burger king and smoothie king, the rest i have no idea... |
safe-side foodie... kimchi already finished, with my squid something-something...which turns out to be spicy! |
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