Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Favorite Things
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Talking about First Impressions Part 1
At last, it finally pushed through. We've been meaning to go out for a cup of coffee or something for months now. The closest thing we can get is between "hello, how are you and see you later" since we hardly had the time. Thank God, before the peakest period reach us we were able to finally meet after work.
Who said opposite sex couldn't stay just being friends? We see each other everyday and we've known each other for quite awhile now . Sure he is a nice guy and I know how ladies talk about him in the locker but I'm just not one of them. He's an honest, open-minded yet conservative (yeah he is, just now I've realized that) a geek, a funny guy, with the Joel Osteen personality because he tends to preach! Yes,he does preach! But all in all, he's one of the few with whom I can open my heart to and not be judged.
In this land where every guy's name is Mohammad, I told him I don't want to call him that. I refer to him as Smiley, because I had never seen him gets mad or upset. He always brings light in every room he's been in. He's a linguist. Everyone seems to know him. Who wouldn't? He can speak English, Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Russian. No wonder all the guests queue in his counter. Haha.
So today between book reviews and his broken heart we were able to finally sit quietly and ask questions we've been meaning to ask to each other. It's funny to find out what were his previous inhibitions about me. I did push him out of his chair when he asked me some things I never thought he would think about me. Damn! Don't you dare jundge the book by its cover!
So to all people who might have the same judgment about me let me make it clear.
Number One- Not because I might seem like an Ice Queen when I don't smile If I don't know you by name doesn't mean that I'm a B***ch. Sometimes, I prefer to be approached first. Be cool. You might like me in the end. I guarantee you.
Number Two- Not because I dress whatever I like doesn't mean that I am EASY. I love to dress up. I never put something over-the-top but in this country wherein showing a little bit of flesh meant that you're selling something, men seem to exaggerate. I dress for me, not to catch men's attention or make the ladies follow my trend. I am comfortable with myself and I express how I feel with the ensemble I put on everyday.
Number Three- Not because I attend parties and drink occasionally doesn't automatically means I sleep around and having way too much fun. That's completely the opposite. Give me a bottle of wine and I will not even reach half of it and you will carry me home. I never kiss and get comfortable with a guy too fast, too soon.Sorry to disappoint you. I am a little bit old -fashioned. I don't usually jump into the bandwagon without that assurance that what I am going to do is not something I will regret after. I am never a fan of flings and short-term relationship. The last one I had in fact was four years. I never smoke or commited any crime. I kill spiders, that's true because for sure I will never sleep if I had seen one in my room.
Number Four- Not because I speak my mind doesn't mean that I cannot be quiet. Actually I am a little bit of everything. I am crazy enough to get a tattoo and too-religious that I won't mind spending a day inside a Monastery to have a peaceful time with the nuns in my congregation, - St. Augustine and the Carmelite Sisters.
These are just some of the things that I found out about myself that people tend to judge me for. I will continue soon because right now... I am just too sleepy to write another sentence.
Not because I am skinny means I am anorexic or bulimic or whatever. Ask anyone close to me will tell you how I eat and you will be surprised to find out I am not in a diet at all. I am just gifted. Haha.
'til my next post. probably when I wake up...:-)
Who said opposite sex couldn't stay just being friends? We see each other everyday and we've known each other for quite awhile now . Sure he is a nice guy and I know how ladies talk about him in the locker but I'm just not one of them. He's an honest, open-minded yet conservative (yeah he is, just now I've realized that) a geek, a funny guy, with the Joel Osteen personality because he tends to preach! Yes,he does preach! But all in all, he's one of the few with whom I can open my heart to and not be judged.
In this land where every guy's name is Mohammad, I told him I don't want to call him that. I refer to him as Smiley, because I had never seen him gets mad or upset. He always brings light in every room he's been in. He's a linguist. Everyone seems to know him. Who wouldn't? He can speak English, Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Russian. No wonder all the guests queue in his counter. Haha.
So today between book reviews and his broken heart we were able to finally sit quietly and ask questions we've been meaning to ask to each other. It's funny to find out what were his previous inhibitions about me. I did push him out of his chair when he asked me some things I never thought he would think about me. Damn! Don't you dare jundge the book by its cover!
So to all people who might have the same judgment about me let me make it clear.
Number One- Not because I might seem like an Ice Queen when I don't smile If I don't know you by name doesn't mean that I'm a B***ch. Sometimes, I prefer to be approached first. Be cool. You might like me in the end. I guarantee you.
Number Two- Not because I dress whatever I like doesn't mean that I am EASY. I love to dress up. I never put something over-the-top but in this country wherein showing a little bit of flesh meant that you're selling something, men seem to exaggerate. I dress for me, not to catch men's attention or make the ladies follow my trend. I am comfortable with myself and I express how I feel with the ensemble I put on everyday.
Number Three- Not because I attend parties and drink occasionally doesn't automatically means I sleep around and having way too much fun. That's completely the opposite. Give me a bottle of wine and I will not even reach half of it and you will carry me home. I never kiss and get comfortable with a guy too fast, too soon.Sorry to disappoint you. I am a little bit old -fashioned. I don't usually jump into the bandwagon without that assurance that what I am going to do is not something I will regret after. I am never a fan of flings and short-term relationship. The last one I had in fact was four years. I never smoke or commited any crime. I kill spiders, that's true because for sure I will never sleep if I had seen one in my room.
Number Four- Not because I speak my mind doesn't mean that I cannot be quiet. Actually I am a little bit of everything. I am crazy enough to get a tattoo and too-religious that I won't mind spending a day inside a Monastery to have a peaceful time with the nuns in my congregation, - St. Augustine and the Carmelite Sisters.
These are just some of the things that I found out about myself that people tend to judge me for. I will continue soon because right now... I am just too sleepy to write another sentence.
Not because I am skinny means I am anorexic or bulimic or whatever. Ask anyone close to me will tell you how I eat and you will be surprised to find out I am not in a diet at all. I am just gifted. Haha.
'til my next post. probably when I wake up...:-)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
I've never seen the lobby this full with anxious fans with balloons and flowers and stuff. Who's staying here with us? I mumbled to myself. There, in an instant a group of photographers and a legion of bodyguards and a crowd started clamorinng with a Lady in Red. Kim Kardashian. Not a fan though, but hey... that body.
A week before that David Morales checked in with me. David who? I'm sorry but I am not familiar with his work and his Grammy achievements and all. I feel embarrased to have not done my homework. And a week before that, LMFAO checked in, as well and Pete Wenz and those famous Djs I haven't heard of. I only know DJ Moe of Magic 89.9 or Joe the Mango for his Love Notes. Yeah, I only know Radio Jockeys, hahaha... So to speak.
I have never been to any Sandance or Beach Festivals in which Dubai is home for these events. I love the idea of Beach Parties and might consider saying YES to future invites soon. Maybe next time I'll get star-struck when the performers check in with me.
And hey, Richard Quest stayed a few days ago and I indeed saw him with his butler passing by the lobby. Everyone were surprised to know that I am familiar with him. Yes dear, I have the time to watch CNN, especially because he features travel and business.

I wonder who will come over the holidays? Hugh Grant and his entourage were with us last year. Lady Gaga? Justin Bieber anyone?
Not to self:
not all who is in the status of VIP is a real VIP. I mean, come on... I saw in the arrival List Patrick Dempsey a week ago, and surely I made a complete fool of myself assuming it will be Patrick Dempsey of Grey's Anatomy, my Dr. McDreamy only to find out later that night that it was indeed Patrick Dempsey, middle-aged from Australia who's far from being an actor, with tons of kids and a wife so grumpy she couldn't wait for a second for my colleague to prepare their keys.
Oh, I will definitely settle for James Morrison, ColdPlay, Backstreet Boys, Paramore,Boyce Avenue, Kina Grannis, Sara Bareilles, Neil Patrick Harris and the gang of HIMYM ....
oh... a girl can dream:-)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
My Week In Review
I guess when you embrace change with open arms everything seems to fall right into place. It used to scare me a bit then I learned to chill and trust the currents.
This post is a little bit overdue. I've been meaning to write this over the weekend but just couldn't find the time or the energy to do it. I don't know how to put it in words since there's just no perfect way to descibe how I feel. I'm just so grateful for all the blessings and the surprises life throws at me everytime. Sure every day is not a perfect day but at least I try to give my best and it the end life never fails to amuse me.
The Danes, the Germans and the Swiss who made me six times richer over the weekend that I almost broke a record if only I had not chosen to leave my oyster for ten days . But it was all worth it anyway. Travelling always gives me peace and something to think about, and most of all, it does make me feel more alive in so many ways. I always have the itch to just pack my bags whenever city life starts to make me a little claustrophobic. I decided to make a plan to where my next destination will be whenever my Lieu Days are getting out of control. My Travel Kit is ready anytime.
I tend to get a little bit more competitive that usual whenever I get better results. I don't know if that's good or bad. The level of endorphins shooting up and down is the driving force. Oh I love what I do. And there's still more that I want to do.
I even stopped questioning when things don't go my way. I know the Higher Power knows better.
Dad told me that the boxes finally came. It was two-years in the works to have me decide to finally shipped them to the right destination. He asked me what to do with them. I don't know yet, really. I mused. At this point, I want to keep that piece of memory safely tucked away from my reality. I don't want to even remember what they contain. I just don't want the ghosts to escape.
Right now I am perfectly happy where I am. I haven't figure out everything yet, who does anyway? I am just counting my blessings and I trust the good things I give will aways return ten fold.
Stay Happy folks!
This post is a little bit overdue. I've been meaning to write this over the weekend but just couldn't find the time or the energy to do it. I don't know how to put it in words since there's just no perfect way to descibe how I feel. I'm just so grateful for all the blessings and the surprises life throws at me everytime. Sure every day is not a perfect day but at least I try to give my best and it the end life never fails to amuse me.
The Danes, the Germans and the Swiss who made me six times richer over the weekend that I almost broke a record if only I had not chosen to leave my oyster for ten days . But it was all worth it anyway. Travelling always gives me peace and something to think about, and most of all, it does make me feel more alive in so many ways. I always have the itch to just pack my bags whenever city life starts to make me a little claustrophobic. I decided to make a plan to where my next destination will be whenever my Lieu Days are getting out of control. My Travel Kit is ready anytime.
I tend to get a little bit more competitive that usual whenever I get better results. I don't know if that's good or bad. The level of endorphins shooting up and down is the driving force. Oh I love what I do. And there's still more that I want to do.
I even stopped questioning when things don't go my way. I know the Higher Power knows better.
Dad told me that the boxes finally came. It was two-years in the works to have me decide to finally shipped them to the right destination. He asked me what to do with them. I don't know yet, really. I mused. At this point, I want to keep that piece of memory safely tucked away from my reality. I don't want to even remember what they contain. I just don't want the ghosts to escape.
Right now I am perfectly happy where I am. I haven't figure out everything yet, who does anyway? I am just counting my blessings and I trust the good things I give will aways return ten fold.
Stay Happy folks!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Lets face it. Love is an animal. Though my grandfather told me once that love is more like a bird, if you hold it tightly it dies, if you hold it slightly, it flies.
People often ask me how I capture such intimacy in the couples I have the honor of photographing. The key is looking from a different perspective. I don’t see them as who they are that day, happy and carefree. I see them as they will be tomorrow. I see them in the road ahead, in both the good times and the bad and all that they will endure. Together. Some days there will be love made on the kitchen floor, and others there will be sleepless nights on the couch. I have known both.
I received a letter once from an old friend. She mentioned that she recently had her heart broke and could only wish to one day find someone that sees her the way that my couples see each other. How would she know when she has found the “one”? Trust me when I say that tender gaze, that almost kiss, does not come without work. There will be joy, there will be pain. I have known both.
If you are reading this I want you to know that you are amazing. He is not. And this is my advice to you. Find a boy who calls you beautiful instead of hot. Who calls you back when you hang up on him. Who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead. Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who thinks you’re just as pretty without makeup on. You will know he is the one because he will apologize first even if he feels he was in the right, because being right won’t matter if you go to bed angry. When you tell a joke he will laugh out loud.
He will constantly be reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have found you. He will turn to his friends and say, ‘that’s her.’
This is the bird that my grandfather spoke of. When you find this bird hold onto it but remember to give it room to grow. Room to breathe. Do this together. And when you find him, call me. I want to photograph it.
My name is Clayton Austin. I am just a man and I tend to see things better with my eyes closed.
credits to catjuan.com
People often ask me how I capture such intimacy in the couples I have the honor of photographing. The key is looking from a different perspective. I don’t see them as who they are that day, happy and carefree. I see them as they will be tomorrow. I see them in the road ahead, in both the good times and the bad and all that they will endure. Together. Some days there will be love made on the kitchen floor, and others there will be sleepless nights on the couch. I have known both.
I received a letter once from an old friend. She mentioned that she recently had her heart broke and could only wish to one day find someone that sees her the way that my couples see each other. How would she know when she has found the “one”? Trust me when I say that tender gaze, that almost kiss, does not come without work. There will be joy, there will be pain. I have known both.
If you are reading this I want you to know that you are amazing. He is not. And this is my advice to you. Find a boy who calls you beautiful instead of hot. Who calls you back when you hang up on him. Who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead. Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who thinks you’re just as pretty without makeup on. You will know he is the one because he will apologize first even if he feels he was in the right, because being right won’t matter if you go to bed angry. When you tell a joke he will laugh out loud.
He will constantly be reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have found you. He will turn to his friends and say, ‘that’s her.’
This is the bird that my grandfather spoke of. When you find this bird hold onto it but remember to give it room to grow. Room to breathe. Do this together. And when you find him, call me. I want to photograph it.
My name is Clayton Austin. I am just a man and I tend to see things better with my eyes closed.
credits to catjuan.com
Bury Your Burdens in the Ground”
“If you’re hurting Don’t worry I will try to be around
How long can the night time last How long can it be?
These sharp tooth creatures from the past
Gonna Be the End of Me Ohhhh,
let the sun come on Feeling good wasn’t good enough,
And I bid farewell to this living hell
Some got it bad
Some got it worse
Some just can’t let go no matter how it hurts
But no one,
no one can say
That we didn’t do it the hard way”
by William Elliot Whitmore
How long can the night time last How long can it be?
These sharp tooth creatures from the past
Gonna Be the End of Me Ohhhh,
let the sun come on Feeling good wasn’t good enough,
And I bid farewell to this living hell
Some got it bad
Some got it worse
Some just can’t let go no matter how it hurts
But no one,
no one can say
That we didn’t do it the hard way”
by William Elliot Whitmore
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
We're on A Road Trip!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Coins in a Train
Some days in this life, you are the tracks that lead off to some mysterious and wonderful distance. Some days you are the train, strong and filled with purpose and fire and the promise of a destination. Some days, my friends, you will be the coins and on those days, when the weight of the world is about to run you over and the tracks feel like they are frozen and silent, just remember…soon, someone will run to the tracks, ignore the distance they lead to, forget the sound of the train that passed, and search frantically for your transformed self, shining and smooth. They will pick you up, they will hold you forever and when age catches up to them, it won’t be the train or the tracks they will remember, it will be you, the coin.
---Tyler Knott
---Tyler Knott
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Look What I've just Got!
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